General Information on the Company

Key indicators in 2010

General information on the results of Company activity

Indicator Unit 2008 2009 20010 2010/2009
Installed capacity MVA 19 365,5 19 901,4 20 740.5 2,5%
Overhead power lines (PL) circuit of 0.38-110 kV Km 39 084,6 39 285,9 39 418,8 0,3%
Cable lines of 0.38-110 kV Km 16 730,9 17 650,7 18 622,3 5,5%
substations of 35-110 kV Pcs (MVA) 368 (12 818) 370 (13 083,8) 372 (13 465.5) 0,5%
Transformer substations of 6-35 kV Pcs (MVA) 13 646 (6 547,5) 13 909 (6 817,6) 14 361 (7 275.0) 3,3%
Disbursement of repair funds RUR thou 704 314 740 946 770 597 4,0%

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Key financial and economic indicators of JSC "Lenenergo" for the last three years are provided in the table below:

Indicator Unit 2008 2009 2010 2010/2009 growth
Revenues, including: RUR mln 20 828 26 088 34 201 31,1%
from electricity transmission RUR mln 15 064 19 597 23 873 21,8%
from technological connection RUR mln 5 572 6 326 10 164 60,7%
Sales profit RUR mln 3 148 5 273 6 713 27,3%
Net profit RUR mln 1 540 3 258 3 806 16,8%
Net assets RUR mln 45 314 48 491 51 897 7,0%
Short-term liabilities RUR mln 19 600 19 527 22 181 13,6%
Long-term liabilities RUR mln 11 931 14 913 14 760 -1,0%

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Financial and Market indicators

 Indicator Unit 2008 2009 2010 2010/2009 growth
Return on equity (ROE) % 4.35% 6.37% 7.80% 22.4%
Return on assets % 2.01% 3.94% 4.29% 9.0%
Return on sales % 15.11% 20.21% 19.63% -2.9%
Current liquidity ratio - 0.80 0.78 0.46 -40.5%
Quick liquidity ratio - 0.75 0.69 0.40 -41.9%
Financial stability
Equity/Assets ratio - 0.59 0.586 0.585 -0.1%
Debt/Equity ratio - 1.44 1.414 1.410 -0.3%
Market indicators
Net debt* RUR mln 7,737 11,564 14,405 24.6%
ROE % 4.35% 6.37% 7.80% 22.4%
EBITDA RUR mln 5,566 8,190 10,356 26.4%
Quick liquidity ratio - 0.75 0.69 0.40 -41.9%
Equity RUR mln 45,157 48,344 51,759 7.1%

* Value of net debt is calculated as the sum of long-term and short-term loans and credits minus monetary funds and short-term financial investments (line 510 plus line 610, minus line 250 and minus line 260 of the Balance Sheet).
