Public Relations, Government Relations and International Cooperation

Main Activities of JSC "Lenenergo" at Building an Attractive and Coherent Image of the Company, Strengthening its Business Reputation and Raising its Image Capital in the Structure of the Company’s Market Value

Key line of activity of JSC "Lenenergo" on forming of positive image of JSC "Lenenergo", and strengthening of business corporate reputation and increase publicity (image) capital in the structure of the Company's market value were communications with the public.

Work was led in the direction of external target audiences (clients, partners, shareholders, investors, professional and expert community, federal and regional state governing bodies, public organizations, including branch and trade-union, mass media), and internal target groups (employees and veterans of the Company and SDc, trade-unions and veteran organizations of the Company).

Development, coordination and implementation information-image and communication strategy of the Company on the basis of the Unified reputational policy and the Unified internal and external information policy of JSC "IDGC Holding" was the competence of Department on Public Relations.

According to the methodical recommendations of DIAC of JSC "IDGC Holding", the structure of the corporate website, on which there is published the information obligatory for disclosing in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, was changed.

Work with internal target audiences was directed, first of all, on consolidation of the veteran public to the Companies and SDc, an effective utilization of spiritually-moral potential and expertise of the former workers of a distribution power network complex, and also on increase of business reputation of JSC "IDGC Holding". JSC "Lenenergo" has taken active part in the history-memorial event "Relay race of a banner of the Victory", organized by JSC "IDGC Holding". For veterans and the executive device of the Company the solemn events devoted to arrival of the exact copy of an official symbol of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War have been organized. The following events were carried out: Victory Day, Day of lifting of a blockade, Day of break of blockade, Day of break of power blockade, Day of victims of political repressions.

The "Energetik of Petersburg" (16 pages) corporate newspaper was issued monthly .

With a view of creation of favorable conditions for the further development in Russia of small and medium-sized businesses, and also implementation of the Governmental Order of the Russian Federation as of 21.04.2009 No.334 regarding preferential technological connection to electric networks of facilities of medium-sized businesses by capacity up to 100 kW, within the limits of implementation of the Cooperation agreement of JSC "IDGC Holding" and the All-Russian public organization of small and medium-sized businesses (LLC) "SUPPORT of Russia" as of October 28, 2009 at the organizing role of Department on public relations and with support of DIPC of JSC "IDGC Holding" there was established interaction between the Company and regional department of "SUPPORT of Russia". On October 28, 2010 the II Petersburg Power Forum and a number of training seminars on technological connection for clients were conducted.

Information interaction with the power structures of the regions was adjusted; representatives of authorities took part in social events of JSC "Lenenergo". Constant business contacts to the Press centers of public authorities of Petersburg and Leningrad region were established and supported. Information support of working meetings of the Company management with Heads of subjects of the Russian Federation in the area of responsibility of the Company was performed.

With a view of implementation of the unified information policy, increase of recognition of the brand, forming of positive reputation and image of transparent company, increases in audience of information influence in the Company interaction with leading regional and branch mass media were organized.

For 2010, 3,845 information materials were published in the mass-media, from which 2,613 (67%) were of neutral character, and 1,209 (31%) of positive character. The positive information background concerning Company activity was supported by distribution of 207 event and thematic press releases, including on such problems as transition to the system of tariff regulation by the method of return on investment capital - RAВ; conclusion of agreements on interaction with subjects of the Russian Federation; implementation of programs of power savings and increase of power efficiency, repair and renovation of the equipment and cooperation agreements with the Russian scientific research institutes, companies and public organizations; material facts and corporate events, and investor relationship.

The cumulative audience of information influence and positioning has constituted about 3.6 million people. The economy of means for the account of application of communications with mass-media instead of advertising communications constituted RUR 845 million.

For the purpose of forming in Russia of the professional expert community acting in interests of the distribution power network complex, the Company held Competition of journalistic works "Energy of the Word 2010". More than 30 journalists participated in it.

In 2010, the Company participated in 8 largest both international and Russian exhibitions and investment forums in electric power industry.
