Review of Production Activity

Technical Policy

Regulatory and normative documents

The following principle documents lay in the basis of technical policy of JSC "Lenenergo":

  1. The Federal Laws:
    • "About modification of separate legal acts of the Russian Federation associated with implementation of measures on reforming of the Uniform power system of Russia" as of 04.11.2007 No.25u-FZ;
    • "About electric power industry" as of 26.03.2003 No.35-FZ;
    • "About features of functioning of electric power industry in a transition period" as of 26.03.2003 No.36-FZ;
    • "About power saving and enhancement of power efficiency and about modification of separate legal acts of the Russian Federation" as of 23.11.2009 No.261-FZ;
    • "About technical regulation" as of 127.12.2002 No.184-FZ.
  2. The Governmental orders of the Russian Federation:
    • "About approval of rules of non-discriminatory access to services in electric power transmission and rendering of these services, rules of non-discriminatory access to services of operatively-dispatching management in electric power industry and rendering of these services, rules of non-discriminatory access to services of the administrator of trading system of the wholesale market and rendering of these services, rules of technological connection of power accepting devices (power installations) of legal entities and individuals to electric networks" as of27.12.2004 No.861 (in acting edition);
    • "About criteria of reference of power network facilities to the uniform national (all-Russian) electric grid" as of 26.01.2006 No.41;
    • "About rules of the wholesale market of electric power (capacity) of the transition period" as of 24.10.2003 No.643;
    • "About approval of Rules of functioning of the retail markets of electric power in the transition period of reforming of electric power industry" as of 31/08.2006 No.530 (with amendments as of 02.10.2009).
  3. The concept of development strategy of JSC RAO "UES of Russia" until 2030.
  4. The program of actions on increase of reliability of UES of Russia, developed in conformity with the "Basic directions of the program of actions on increase of reliability of UES of Russia", approved by the Board of Directors of JSC RAO "UES of Russia" on 24.06.2005.
  5. The concept of diagnostics of power technical equipment of substations and OTL of electric networks of JSC "FGC UES", approved by JSC "FGC UES" as of 26.04.2005.
  6. Regulations on the technical policy in power distribution network complex approved by the Order of JSC RAO "UES of Russia" and JSC "FGC UES" as of 25.10.2006 No.270/293 (prior to the approval of Regulations on technical policy of JSC "IDGC Holding" in DGC).
  7. Rates of technological designing of substations of alternating current with the higher pressure of 35-750 kV, SO 153-34.20.122-2006;
  8. Rates of technological designing of OTL 35-750 kV, SO 153-34.20.121-2006;
  9. Rules of technical maintenance of power stations and networks of the Russian Federation, 2003.
  10. Rules of organization of maintenance and repair servicing of equipment, buildings and constructions of power stations and networks, SO 134.04.181-2003.
  11. Acting decisions of sessions of the scientific and technical council of JSC "Lenenergo",
  12. Others.

The purpose of the technical policy of JSC "Lenenergo" is efficient control of the Company’s assets, defining optimum conditions and basic technical directions of provision of reliable and secure electric power supply of consumers.

To achieve these goals it is necessary to solve a complex of tasks:

  • Enhancement of technological management of networks and application of modern methods of planning of development of networks;
  • Overcoming of the tendency of ageing of fixed assets of networks and electric equipment at the expense of increase in works on their building, reconstruction and modernization, withdrawal from operation of non-used or under-used equipment and constructions;
  • Creation of conditions for application of new technical decisions and technologies in the systems of servicing, management, protection, information transfer, communication and systems of metering of electric power (including automated control systems of networks);
  • Development of methods of operation with the use of modern diagnostic tools, technical and information-metering systems;
  • Provision of the modern high technological level of networks by means of use of new technical decisions and technologies;
  • Enhancement of efficiency of functioning of network facilities, decrease in costs for operation of networks, and actual losses of electric power in networks;
  • Increase in power efficiency and power saving;
  • Enhancement of normative, technical and methodical provision of the activity;
  • Attraction of investments for implementation of the basic directions of networks development.

Implementation of the technical policy directions

According to acting decisions of scientific and technical councils of JSC "Lenenergo" and according to normative and technical base, JSC "Lenenergo" implements the following substantive provisions of the technical policy:

  1. Distribution networks of 0.4-10 kV:
    • ­Application of isolated cables of sewed polyethylene;
    • Application of the self-bearing isolated and protected wires.
    • Application of BCTP;
    • Application of hi-tech switching devices of "Reclosers" type;
    • Transition to vacuum switches;
    • Application of advanced devices of protection against pulse and storm repressor.
  2. Distribution networks of 35-110 kV:
    • ­Transition on vacuum and gas-insulated switches;
    • ­Application of GISWG 110 kV (at the presence of the justification);
    • ­Application of block and compact SWG of 35-110 kV;
    • ­Application of small-sized CSG of average voltage with gas-insulation and air isolation;
    • ­Application of isolated cables of sewed polyethylene;
    • ­Application of the many-sided and raised support;
    • ­Billing model of 110 kV electric networks for optimization of electric power modes was created and implemented.
  3. PRAE, DMPS, communications, and telemechanics:
    • ­Application of microprocessor protection;
    • Automation of technological management;
    • Introduction of SCADA-systems;
    • Modern dispatching offices with automated systems of operatively dispatching management of different levels were commissioned.

Introduction of new technologies and equipment performed with a view of implementation of the technical policy:

  1. Monitoring of cars of operational-outreach crews (OOC) by means of GPS-GLONASS systems.
    JSC "Lenenergo" implemented the monitoring of OOC cars by means of GPS- GLONASS systems, which:
    • Determines on-line location of vehicles on a detailed digital map;
    • Performs complete control of movement on a route (run, fuel consumption, speed mode) both on-line and off-line.
  2. At present, the following gas-insulated equipment is installed in JSC "Lenenergo" substations:
    • 761 switches of 6-10 kV;
    • 44 switches of 35 kV;
    • 148 switches of 110 kV;
    • GISWG-110kV on 110 kV substation No.65 "Strelna", 110 kV substation No.14 "Baltiyskaya", 110 kV substation No.34 "Mirnaya", 110 kV substation No.140 "Rizhskaya", and 110 kV substation No.167 "Volkovskaya".
  3. The program on replacement of fuel-filled high-voltage inputs of power transformers on high-voltage inputs with firm isolation.
    The program on replacement of transformer inputs was calculated until 2012. During 2008-2009, replacement of 111 inputs was conducted. In 2010, the plan on replacement of inputs in the quantity of 60 pcs in seven power network enterprises (VPDN - 3 pcs, GPDN- 9 pcs, KnPDN-12 piece, LpPDN - 6 pcs, NlPDN - 6 pcs, SbPDN-12 piece, TkPDN - 12 pcs) was executed
  4. The program on replacement of switching devices of power transformers.
    The purpose is enhancement of the resource of work of power transformers at the expense of replacement of the "weakest" element. Systematic replacement of morally and physically outdated RVT with more modern of MR and ÐÑ-9 types will allow considerably raising the reliability of work of transformers and to improve the quality of electric power. Five RVT were replaced in 2009, and three RVT in 2010.
  5. JSC "Lenenergo" widely implements self-supporting insulating wires (SSIW) on OTL 0.4-10 kV.
    There were reconstructed 2,043 km of OTL 0.4-10 kV with application of self-bearing isolated wire. For now, there is developed and approved the medium-term program of replacement of non-isolated wire on SSIW in 0.4-10 kV networks with the term of implementation 2010-2012. The total amount is 344 km in eight power network enterprises.
    The program of 2010 of the planned volume of 105.2 km (95 km on OTL 6-10 kV and 10.2 km on OTL 0.4 kV) was executed completely. It covered six power network enterprises: VPDN – 17.3 km (11.1 km - OTL 6-10 kV and 6.2 km OTL 0.4 kV), LPDN – 4 km (OTL 0.4 kV), LpPDN – 37 km (OTL 6-10 kV), KnPDN – 19.1 km (OTL 6-10 kV), SUPDN – 15.3 km (OTL 6-10 kV), TkPDN – 12.5 km (OTL 6-10 kV).
  6. JSC "Lenenergo" started to perform diagnostics of 6-110 kV cable lines by sparing and non-destroying methods.
    With a view of development of modern diagnostic tools JSC "Lenenergo" in 2010 successfully proceeded with working off of essentially new methods of diagnostics of the condition of 6-110 kV cable lines: testing by voltage of ultralow frequency of 0.1 Hz, measurement and analysis of returnable pressure, reflectometry - the method of measurement and localization of partial categories. It allowed JSC "Lenenergo" management to develop and approve the new normative document "Volumes and rates of sparing and not destroying test methods and diagnostics of cable lines of 6-110 kV". The document purpose is to reduce damage of 6-35 kV cables at scheduled-preventive testing and to reduce costs for carrying out of repair work of 6-35 kV cable lines, and to raise reliability of electrical supply of consumers in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.
    The developed volumes and rates of sparing and not destroying test methods and diagnostics of 6-110 kV cable lines can be applied at development of normative documents on diagnostics of cable lines of the power industry of the Russian Federation.
    For the given development, JSC "Lenenergo" was awarded by the 1st place diploma in the Competition on quality "Made in St. Petersburg-2010" in the nomination "the Best project in the field of electric equipment monitoring", and by the Quality symbol "Made in St. Petersburg".
  7. Laser aero-scanning of OTL 35-110 kV
    In 2010, laser aero-scanning of 184 km of OTL 35-110 kV for the purpose of determination for over-sizes, and reception of 3D models of air-lines was produced. Carrying out of aero-scanning of OTL 35-110 kV allows estimating technical condition of facilities, to reveal deviations of dimensions of a line from legislative effects, and also to optimize routes for accomplishment of emergency flights over OTL that essentially reduces the carrying out time of emergency-recovery work.
  8. The target program on installation of reclosers on OTL 10 kV
    In 2009, there was developed the target medium-term program on installation of vacuum reclosers by RVA/TEL-10-12.5/630 U1 on OTL 10 kV. According to the program:
    • In 2007-2009, there were installed 54 reclosers in JSC "Lenenergo" under the program of increase of reliability.
    • In 2010, there were placed in operation 38 reclosers in eight power network enterprises (VPDN - 4 pcs, GtPDN-3 pcs, KnPDN-6 pcs, LPDN - 5 pcs, LpPDN – 5 pcs, NlPDN – 5 pcs, SPND - 4 pcs, TkPDN - 6 pcs).
    • In 2011 it is planned to install 41 reclosers.
    • In 2012 it is planned to install 43 reclosers.

    Installation of reclosers allows allocating in case of accident of the damaged site without switching-off of other consumers, to partition OTL 10kV with provision of AR and ALT functions that considerably raises reliability of electrical supply of consumers, reduces short of supply of electric power and reduces time of search of the place of damage and its elimination.
    The management of reclosers (inclusion, de-energizing, and change of options) occurs remotely via GSM-communication channels, without departure of the operatively-repair personnel to the installation site.
  9. Installation of boosters.
    In settlements, where actually there is a question of voltage quality in 0.4 kV networks, installation of boosters may become one of the decisions – application of voltage stabilizers in 0.4 kV networks allows:
    • Automatically raising or lowering voltage to the set parameters.
    • Eliminating asymmetry of voltage on phases, including at loading change.
    • Excluding increase of voltage at consumers at breakage of a zero wire.

    In JSC "Lenenergo" branch "Kingisepp Power Networks" in 2008 there was entered into pre-production operation (in Pondelovo settlement) of the booster STS-5-63 380 UZ by capacity of 63kVÀ. It was completely adjusted in 2009, and till now there were no remarks on its operation.
  10. Modular mobile substations (MMS) of 110 kV.
    For possibility of connection of additional capacity to 110 kV SS and for unloading of the "overloaded" equipment in 2010 modular mobile substations (MMS) was installed on 110 kV SS of JSC "Lenenergo" branch "SuPDN":
    • On SS No.212 – 2 MMS of 110 kV;
    • On SS No.90 – 1 MMS of 110 kV;
    • On SS No.92 – 1 MMS of 110 kV;

    Two additional MMS were bought – the place of planned installation of the MMS taking into account of the prime requirement is now specified. The total quantity of 110 kV modular mobile substations acquired by this time constitutes 14 pcs of the rated power capacity of 25 ÌVÀ each.
  11. Modular 10 kV disconnector of "cutting" type.
    In the Company branch "Kingisepp power Distribution Networks" in 2009 there was installed in pre-production of the operation 10 kV modular disconnector of external installation of "cutting" type RMNZS-2-10/630-2 (by the manufacturer "NPO Pribor", St. Petersburg), declared as possessing of raised reliability and working capacity. In the course of pre-production operation Kingisepp power Distribution Networks have improved the given device that was positively accepted by the manufacturer for completion of its design. At present, there are no remarks on its work.