Review of Production Activity

Repair Activity

Despite the abnormal weather conditions of the first quarter 2010, prohibition of the production of works in summer, and the storm events in July-August, the repair program of JSC "Lenenergo" was executed according to the approved plan for 100% and more.

Moreover, the Company performed emergency-repair works on OTL 6 – 110 kV after the hurricane in July-August, 2010 with the costs commensurable with the annual program of repair of overhead transmission lines in all branches, for a total sum of RUR 146,049.4 thousand. There were restored 89 km of OTL 35-110 kV at RUR 29,183.2 thousand, OTL 6 – 10 kV were restored in the amount of 256 km at RUR 116,866.2 thousand, 298 km of OTL 6-110 kV routes were cleared and released from fallen trees.

Name Unit JSC "Lenenergo" % of accomplishment from the annual plan
2010 plan 2010 fact
Substations of 35 – 110 kV pcs 23 23 100
Transformer substations of 6-10 / 0.4 kV pcs 1573 1584 101
MV 35 – 110 kV pcs 134 152 113
OTL 110 kV km 747 744 100
OTL 35 kV km 381 417 109
OTL 6-10 kV km 1886 1891 103
OTL 0.4 kV km 1225 1231 104
Line clearing Hectare 3707 3581 97

Also it is necessary to note the basic directions of the use of repair fund:

Name 2010 plan, RUR thousand 2010 fact, RUR thousand % of accomplishment from the annual plan
Total Including Total Including
by economic method by contract method by economic method by contract method
Total for 2010 760 674 254 382 506 292 770 597 255 222 515 375 101
OTL 394 036 151 860 242 176 405 441 157 182 248 259 103
Equipment of substations 252 269 81 748 170 521 260 613 77 502 183 111 103
Buildings and constructions 81 620 11 511 70 109 85 935 10 144 75 791 105
Other objects 32 749 9 263 23 486 18 608 10 394 8 214 57

In money terms on the basic sections, the repair program was executed by 100% and more.

In the section "Other objects" there were planned funds for elimination of consequences of technological infringements of future periods (emergency reserve), which within 2010 were spent on emergency-repair work of transmission lines and substations. Thus, at 100 % accomplishment of the repair program in physical terms the disbursement of funds on section "Other objects" will be non-complete.

Share of costs for repair in 2010 by types of equipment

Disbursement of repair fund

No. Indicators 2008 (RUR thousand) 2009 (RUR thousand) 2010 (RUR thousand)
1 OTL of 110-0.4 kV 109 706 137 835 142 317
2 Cable lines of 110-0.4 kV 271 759 266 130 263 124
3 Equipment of substations 212 594 227 892 260 613
4 Buildings and constructions 97 903 90 886 85 935
5 Other objects 12 352 18 203 18 608
6 Total, including: 704 314 740 946 770&nsp;597
7 by economic method 224 535 231 474 255 222
8 by contract method 479 779 509 472 515 375

The repair program of JSC "Lenenergo" is annually formed proceeding from the long-term plans – schedules of repair of the equipment, the analysis of condition of TL 0.4-110 kV, the core and auxiliaries substations, acts of inspection, prescriptions of supervising bodies, and the revealed risks of reliability of distribution electric networks.

In 2010 within the limits of the repair program disbursement of funds totaled RUR 770,597 thousand, including repair by economic method – RUR 255,222 thousand, and repair by contract method – RUR 515,375 thousand. In relation to 2009 and 2008, the costs for repair increased by 4% and 9% accordingly, including on economic method by 10% and 14%, and on contract method - by 1% and 7%.

At the analysis of disbursement of means for repair in 2008-2010 under the basic nomenclature there was indicated funding growth on the sections "OTL 110-0.4 kV" and "equipment of substations", at minor alteration of costs on other sections.

Growth of costs for repair of OTL in 2010 constituted 4% and 30% in relation to 2009 and 2008 accordingly. It is associated with accomplishment in 2010 of works on replacement of ground wire on OTL 110-35 kV under the prescriptions of supervising bodies. Growth of costs for repair of equipment of substations in 2010 constituted 14% and 23% in relation to 2009 and 2008 accordingly. This is associated with accomplishment in 2010 of emergency-repair work within the limits of the repair program on substation-190.

Funding of the repair program regarding repair of cable lines, buildings, facilities and the other equipment did not change essentially.
