Review of Production Activity

Organization of Technological Connections

Results of activity on technological connection in 20101

Indicator Unit 2009
Deviation 2010 / 2009
Abs rel
Leningrad Region
Revenue RUR thousand 1 712 144 2 256 775 544 631 31,8%
Connected capacity MW 142,4 185,3 42,9 30,2%
Average rate under closed contracts RUR thousand/MW 12 028 12 180 152 1,3%
St. Petersburg
Revenue RUR thousand 4 613 870 7 906 919 3 293 049 71,4%
Connected capacity MW 210,6 460,0 249,4 118,4%
Average rate under closed contracts RUR thousand/MW 21 909 17 190 -4 719 -21,5%
JSC "Lenenergo" total
Revenue RUR thousand 6 326 014 10 163 694 3 837 680 60,7%
Connected capacity MW 352,9 645,3 292,3 82,8%
Average rate under closed contracts RUR thousand/MW 17 924 15 751 -2 173 -12,1%

1 without connection of generating capacities

The increase in revenue on technological connection in 2010 relative to 2009 was generally associated with the growth of volumes in obligations fulfillment towards applicants.

Lost incomes of JSC of Lenenergo in 2010-2011

Branch 2010
Grounds 2011 Grounds In total
St. Petersburg 642 800,00 The Order No.249-r as of 28.12.2009 "On establishment of payment for technological connection to electric networks of JSC "Lenenergo" in the territory of St. Petersburg for 2010" 47 318,00 The Order No.384-r as of 29.12.2010 "On establishment of payment for technological connection to electric networks of JSC "Lenenergo" in the territory of St. Petersburg for 2011" 690 118,00
Leningrad Region 205 480,00 The Order No.З as of June 30, 2010 No.69-p "On approval of the size of economically reasonable payment and corresponding lost incomes of JSC "Lenenergo" from connection of power accepting devices by the maximum capacity which is not exceeding 15 kW inclusively, which size is included into the tariff for electric power transmission services in 2010" (in edit. of the Order of the Committee on tariffs and price policy of Leningrad region as of 24.09.2010 No.124-p) 0,00 - 205 480,00
JSC "Lenenergo" 848 280,00 47 318,00 895 598,00

Lost incomes of JSC "Lenenergo" for 2010-2011 were established by legislative and regulatory base over St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

The Order No.22-p as of 25.02.2011 "On approval of payment rates for technological connection to electric networks of JSC "Lenenergo" of power accepting devices located in the territory of the Leningrad Region" did not establish lost incomes in the Leningrad Region for 2011.

Dynamics of demand for technological connection of power accepting devices

For 12 months 2010 the volume of capacity declared by consumers on JSC "Lenenergo" amounted to 14,686 pcs with capacity of 2,089.7 MW. The basic share of requests was accepted from applicants across the Leningrad Region and amounted to 11,162 pcs with a total capacity of 1,011.6 MW. In general, on JSC "Lenenergo" the group of applicants up to 15 KW constituted 85% from total applications at a 6% share in the total installed capacity. Following the results of 2010, there was indicated growth in the quantity of applications accepted by JSC "Lenenergo" concerning the similar period of 2009 by 22%.

Volume of the declared capacity

JSC "Lenenergo" Installed capacity
2009 2010
Applications accepted, pcs. Total capacity, MW Applications accepted, pcs. Total capacity, MW
Total, including 11444 1 883 600 14686 2 089 700
St. Petersburg 2809 1 255 500 3524 1 078 132
Leningrad Region 8635 628 100 11162 1 011 571

The analysis of distribution over economic activities for 2010 showed that the household and social sphere, as well as housing construction took first place in installed capacity, and constituted 24% from the total installed capacity across St. Petersburg and 18% from the total installed capacity across the Leningrad Region.

Distribution of installed capacity by sectors of economic activity (MW)

Economic activity St. Petersburg Leningrad region Total
Industry 94 209 303
Land plots, including agriculture 4 358 362
Household and social sphere, housing construction 262 186 448
Individuals 7 100 107
Other 710 159 869

Connection category Contracts concluded Contracts executed
Pcs. Capacity, MW Pcs. Capacity, MW
JSC "Lenenergo"
up to 15 kW 10164 102,33 3269 25,99
from 15 up to 100 kW 559 25,44 411 17,89
from 100 up to 750 kW 357 111,89 350 114,71
over 750 kW 79 389,80 143 486,69
TOTAL 11159 629,46 4173 645,28
St. Petersburg
up to 15 kW 887 6,30 742 3,91
from 15 up to 100 kW 313 13,27 269 11,43
from 100 up to 750 kW 140 44,09 231 81,93
over 750 kW 50 184,21 114 362,72
TOTAL 1390 247,87 1356 459,99
Leningrad Region
up to 15 kW 9277 96,03 2527 22,08
from 15 up to 100 kW 246 12,18 142 6,46
from 100 up to 750 kW 217 67,80 119 32,78
over 750 kW 29 205,58 29 123,98
TOTAL 9769 381,59 2817 185,29

Following the results of 2010, the Company concluded 11,159 contracts for a total capacity of 629.5 MVA and a cost of RUR 7,798.6 mln (net of VAT) that exceeded the indicators of the similar period of 2009 of quantity – in 2.5 times, of capacity – by 15.9 МVА (2.5%), of cost – by RUR 1,111 mln (net of VAT) (14.2%). The share of the contracts concluded across St. Petersburg, in the total amount for 12 months 2010, constituted 1,390 pcs for capacity of 247.9 МVА, and a cost of RUR 5,665.7 mln (net of VAT). Across the Leningrad Region for 2010 there were concluded 9,769 contracts for a capacity of 381.6 МVА and a cost of RUR 2,132.9 mln (net of VAT).

The quantity of the performed obligations for 2010 amounted to 4,173 contracts for the capacity of 645.3 МVА and the cost of RUR 10,163.7 mln (net of VAT). In comparison with the similar period of 2009 (3,346 pcs, 352.9 МVА, RUR 6,326.0 mln (net of VAT) there was observed quantity growth by 19.8%, capacity growth by 1.8 times, and cost growth of RUR 3,837.7 mln (net of VAT) by 1.6 times.

For the reporting period there was indicated a decrease in the share of refusals at the initiative of applicants concerning 2009, including on small and medium-sized business (capacity up to 750 kW) by 54%, on large business (capacity over 750 kW) - by 50%.

For 2010, nine contracts for a total capacity of 108 kW were terminated.
