Review of Production Activity

Power Saving and Enhancement of Power Efficiency

Structure of the program on power saving

1.1. Accepted target indicators in the field of power saving and enhancement of power efficiency

According to the programs of power saving and enhancement of power efficiency of JSC "Lenenergo" across St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region for 2010-2015, the following target indicators were approved:

  • Reducing electric power losses;
  • Reducing consumption of resources for economic needs;
  • Equipment by devices of power resources metering of objects of production and economic needs;
  • Equipment by devices the electric power metering in the retail market.

1.2. Values of target indicators for 2010, achievement degree

Actual losses of electric power following the results of 2010 amounted to 3,586.61 mln kWh, or 10.71% for supply to the grid, which is 0.1% lower the approved target indicator of 10.72%.

Reducing consumption of resources for economic needs, including, by types of resources, was reached:

  • electric power – 1,281 thousand kWh;
  • thermal power – 2 393 Gkal;
  • cold water supply – 45 thousand m3.

According to the plan on installation/modernization of metering devices, 58 points of delivery of power resources were equipped, among them:

  • 32 metering devices - electric power;
  • 18 metering devices - thermal power;
  • 8 d metering devices - cold water supply.

Equipment by metering devices of power resources of objects of production and economic needs as of 31.12.2010 constituted 100 %. Following the results of 2010, in the retail market of electric power there were installed 1,844 metering devices that constituted 99.7% from the planned value of the target indicator (1,850 items).

1.3. Accomplishment of the program of events for power saving

For 2010, according to the program of perspective development of electric power metering there was planned the decrease in losses of electric power on JSC "Lenenergo" networks by 4.1 mln kWh with expectation effect of RUR 10.4 mln (net of VAT). By results of the program implementation, actual decrease in electric power losses constituted 4.03 mln kWh with economic benefit of RUR 10.4 mln (net of VAT). Thus, actual costs correspond to the planned ones, and are equal to RUR 80.5 mln (net of VAT). The source of funding of the given program is depreciation.

Decrease in electric power losses following the results of implementation of the program on modernization and reconstruction for 2010 constituted 0.84 mln kWh and led to achievement of economic benefit of RUR 1.2 mln (net of VAT). This 0.01 mln kWh exceeds the planned level of decrease in losses of 0.83 mln kWh and corresponds to the planned effect in volume of RUR 1.2 mln (net of VAT). Actual costs for program implementation constituted RUR 401.5 mln (net of VAT) that is RUR 0.9 mln below the planned costs in volume of RUR 402.4 mln (net of VAT). Sources of funding of the program are depreciation, borrowed funds, payment for technological connection.

Implementation of the program of economy of costs for economic needs allowed reaching the decrease in consumption of power resources, namely:

Name of power resource Unit Planned decrease in consumption of power resources Actual consumption of power resources Planned effect, RUR mln (net of VAT) Actual effect, RUR mln(net of VAT)
Electric power Mln kWh 0,2 1,3 0,6 3,6
Thermal power Thousand Gkal 1,2 2,3 1,1 2,3
Cold water Thousand m3 10 45 0,2 0,8
Total 1,9 6,7

Planned costs amounted to RUR 5.1 mln (net of VAT), actual – RUR 3.9 mln (net of VAT). Sources of funding are depreciation and COGS.

1.4. Consumption of power resources for production and economic needs (including points of delivery):

# Name Unit 2010
Plan Fact
1. Power resources delivered on the basis of contracts of delivery (purchase and sale), total RUR thousand* 111561.2 102 015.4
1.1. Electric power RUR thousand* 85507,83 79820,76
Thousand kWh 25111,596 23830,530
1.2. Thermal power RUR thousand* 19869,06 16950,91
Gkal 17332,94 14930,36
1.3. Water supply, cold water RUR thousand* 6184,35 5243,76
Thousand m3 289,16 243,93
1.4. Motor fuel RUR thousand* 79082,23 71967,93
Litre 4 702 623 4 307 626

* - the sum of RUR thousand including VAT

1.5.The organization of power resources metering on objects of production and economic needs of JSC "Lenenergo"

Costs for installation of metering devices RUR 3,918 thousand, including:

  • 32 points of delivery of electric power – RUR 207 thousand;
  • 18 points of delivery of thermal power – RUR 3,009 thousand;
  • 8 points of delivery of cold water supply – RUR 702 thousand.

Metering devices of power resources were placed in operation and accepted to calculation with suppliers.
