Informational Technologies

State of the Company Information Infrastructure

One of the most important requirements for JSC "Lenenergo" efficient performance is reliable operation of computer-aided systems, prompt and competent user support as well as development of the systems in response to varying market demands.

The Company’s IT-infrastructure features successful performance and sustained development. IT comprises of personal computers, workstations, hardware peripherals, network equipment, and servers incorporated in a uniform corporate network. In the performance of routine activities, JSC "Lenenergo" adheres to the policy of purely licensed approach in respect of the software employed in the Company.

Equipment with computer aids

All computer facilities are distributed between JSC "Lenenergo" Executive Office and affiliated branches.

The pool of personal computers (including workstations) amounts to 2,249 units (pool increase by 2.23% as compared to 2009) of which:

1,541 hardware peripherals (+1.19% growth by 2009).

42 units of network equipment (0.00% growth by 2009).

55 units of server equipment (0.00% growth by 2009).

Summary table of JSC "Lenenergo" equipment with computer aids

Computer aids Quantity Including:
2010 Beginning 2010 End Meet technical requirement Require modernization Require replacement
Personal computers, workstations 2201 2249 1247 352 650
Hardware peripherals 1512 1541 940 0 601
Active network equipment 42 42 13 11 19
Server equipment 55 55 0 55 55

In the nearest future, the pool of the Company’s computer-aided equipment will be gradually updated to replace out-of-date equipment.

Automated Process Control Systems (APCS) in 2010

  • The number of 110 kV substations equipped with television power-operated devices (meeting modern requirements) amounts to 21 units (10.3%);
  • The number of 35 kV substations equipped with television power-operated devices (meeting modern requirements) amounts to 3 units (1.8%);
  • The number of substations equipped with an automated control system (APCS) amounts to 16 units (7.3%).

Indicator Unit Following the results of 2010, as of 01.01.2011
Number of 110 kV substations with digital communication and information transfer channels units 3/72
% of the total number of 110 kV substations 1,5/35
RUR thsd 3 000/3 0001
Number of 35 kV substations with digital communication and information transfer channels units 3/3
% of the total number of 35 kV substations 1,8/1,8
RUR thsd 0/0

1 - Note: In the fields where execution is indicated without spending, communication channels and facilities are being built by an external agencies (the Administration of Saint-Petersburg, private investors etc.). The expenses are associated with execution of the agreement with LenRDO (Leningrad Regional Dispatching Office) for replacement of telemetry equipment and installation of communication channels.

  1. 1. The investment program of 2010 for replacement of defective FOCL cord-insulated cables was completed in full.
  2. 2. Digital communication channels to the Lodeynoye Pole and Tikhvin branches were introduced.

In part of Automated Process Control Systems:

Programs aimed at enhancement of observability and controllability of the distribution network facilities (RUR thsd)

Voltage class Indicator Following the results of 2010, as of 01.01.2011
Substations equipped with APCS Substations equipped with telemetric equipment
110 (150, 220) kV Units 1/16 3/21
% of the total number of facilities 2,9 /7,3 1,5/10,3
Reporting year expenses, RUR thsd 0/0 0/0
35 kV Units 0/0 3/3
% of the total number of facilities 0/0 1,8 /1,8
Reporting year expenses, RUR thsd 0/0 0/0

  • Telecommunication data are transmitted with the use of IEC-101 (104) international protocols with time indications;
  • Telecommunication data are transmitted from the devices having 6 kV and higher voltage class.

Indicator NMC APMS equipment resources Following the results of 2010/ as of 01.01.2011 with accrued total according to the Company’s performance results for the whole period starting from the beginning of the NMC establishment)
units 1 2/3 1/9
% of the total number 0 /100 22/33 3,5 /31
Expenses, RUR thsd 0/243 500 70 000/110 000 10 000/32 000

Establishment of the Network Management Centre of the Power Distribution Network Company

Measures Contents of reports on taken measures
Availability of the approved organizational structure of NMC PDNC The organizational structure of JSC "Lenenergo" and NMC in particular is approved and agreed with MC IDGC.
Quantity of persons in NMC PDNC Personnel completeness is performed under the regular schedule/fact: DS - 23/23, SER - 3/3, SRZA - 10/10.
Availability of premises for placing of all divisions of NMC PDNC Rented premises in the number of 10 pieces, of the total area about 600 sq.m, equipped with furniture and office equipment.
Organization of round-the-clock watch of NMC PDNC dispatchers with accomplishment of operational/non-operational functions Yes, with accomplishment of operational and non-operational functions.
The list of the structural divisions providing functioning of subsystems of RTC NMC (including technological communication) IT Department of JSC "Lenenergo", JSC "LIEVO", LLC "EnergoStroyTelecom".
Organization of round-the-clock watch of the structural divisions providing functioning of subsystems of RTC NMC (including technological communication) Persons on duty of APMS of JSC "LIEVO" provide round-the-clock watch. Technological communication is provided by JSC "LIEVO".
Implementation of a hardware and software complex of the Network Management Center (HSC NMC) Implementation of SCADA on the basis of "Network
Manager" system produced by ABB.
Contractor: JSC "VNIIR", contract No. 02100 chbk-X06-1067 as of 10.12.2006, cost: RUR 67,151,566, VAT included.
Construction of JSC "Lenenergo" control point and training centre performed by Integris-VS, contract No.06-3896 as of 23.10.2006 The facility was commissioned in 2009.
Introduction of expenses for HSC NMC implementation in the PDNC investment program for 2010 and subsequent years
  • 2010 – RUR 5,000 thsd
  • 2011 - RUR 25,000 thsd
  • 2012 - RUR 46,000 thsd

Date of the investment program agreement with JSC "IDGC Holding in 2011: 1Q2011.
Implementation stage of the NMC process modification project according to the work schedule for NMC process modification project implementation The SCADA system for JSC "Lenenergo" NMC was commissioned in 2009. 100% of means pledged in the investment program of 2010 were mastered. The quantity of points of input of parameters is increased.
NMC process modification The "Network Manager" data collection, processing and display system produced by ABB has been installed in the NMC central dispatch point (CDP). Commencement of works aimed at the introduction of EMS-subsystem, distribution networks management system, into SCADA system is scheduled for 2011-2013 (network optimization, operator training simulator, state estimation, load flow assessment, reliability analysis, etc.)
The Central dispatch point is equipped with a video-wall display system consisting of a Tew mosaic instrument panel, made in England, instrumental panel control system made by JSC "Communication and Telemechanics System" and 8 display cubes made by BARCO company. The training centre is equipped with 8 BARCO video display cubes.
An uninterrupted power supply system equipped with a diesel generator was commissioned for the HSC CDP NMC in April, 2009. The RASTRWIN software program is currently being used for calculations of production set modes developed by Regional public organization "Department's fund "Automated electrical systems", TKZ-3000 short-circuit current calculation program developed by Briz Scientific and Research Centre.
Implementation of a voice communication line between NMC and RDO and adjacent NMC of other power engineering companies, NMC of BPNC (bulk power networks companies), PNC, substations and maintenance crews for performing non-operational functions (introduced on the basis of existing communication channels and communication equipment) Facilities equipped with communication means - 253.
  • Numbers assigned by the municipal automatic telephone office (MATO) -146 (170 more needed).
  • Numbers of "Lenenergo" telephone network - 72 (75 more needed).
  • Mobile telephone numbers - 50 (52 more needed).
  • Direct lines - 160 (161 more needed).
Implementation of a data collection and transmission system (DCTS) The 2010 investment project provides for expenses for development of a technical design for DCTS modernization and expansion, implementation of dispatch communication channels between Unified National Power Network (UNPN) facilities and power distribution networks company) to the amount of RUR 5,000 thousand.
Inclusion of expenses for the DCTS modernization and expansion and implementation of digital communication lines and telemechanics in PDNC facilities in the Company's investment program for 2010 and subsequent years The total cost of DCTS design and survey works (DSW) amounts to RUR 10,000,000. The capital investment assimilation plan for 2011 is RUR 5,000,000.
Project implementation period: 2011 to 2014.
Date of the investment program agreement
From JSC "IDGC Holding" - 1Q2011.
Stage of implementation of the DCTS Project First stage of work according to the plan-schedule, 10% of development of the means pledged in the investment program is performed.
Organization of digital communication channels and telemechanics of NDC with objects of management Telemechanics equipment - RTU 560 by "ABB", Telechannel-M2 by "SST". The communication equipment specified by the project - FG155A, FOM16L by "Nateks"; MT-2, MK-8 by "Supertel".
Quantity of objects with which communication is performed – 96, type of communication - digital.