Human Resources and Social Policy. Social Responsibility

Social Policy

JSC "Lenenergo" occupies an active position in the field of care of the personnel. The company watches over health of the employees, organizes leisure and contributes to daily work to make it more interesting and efficient due to social policy implemented in the Company.

Main goals of the Company's social policy are as follows:

  • Increase in production efficiency;
  • Maintenance of competitiveness of the Company;
  • Stimulation of workers to the high-efficiency work promoting the increase in their welfare.

Main principles and tasks of the Company's social policy are the following:

  • Provision and maintenance of social stability in the Company;
  • Creation of effective and safe workplaces;
  • employment and holding of qualified employees.

With a view of implementation of the main principles of the Company's social policy, there acts in the Company the Collective agreement in which the following directions of social activity are specified:

  • Preventive maintenance of diseases and health protection;
  • Voluntary medical insurance;
  • Granting of social privileges and guarantees to employees;
  • Organization of health-improving leisure of employees and members of their families;
  • Non-state provision of pensions;
  • Cultural and sports events;
  • Work with youth and veterans;
  • Support of unemployed pensioners-veterans of the Company.

Preventive maintenance of diseases and health protection

With a view of preserving and strengthening of health of employees, the Company annually carries out the following events:

  • Preliminary and periodic medical inspections of employees;
  • Fluorographic inspections;
  • Vaccination.

Medical insurance of employees

In 2010, the agreement with JSC "Alpha insurance" by the following types of insurance acted in the Company:

  • Voluntary medical insurance of workers;
  • Obligatory insurance of workers upon labor accidents and occupational illnesses.

Granting of social privileges and compensations

According to the Collective agreement the following types of privileges and compensations are provided to employees of JSC "Lenenergo":

  • Granting and payment of additional holidays to employees (over those provided by the law);
  • Single payment at birth of a child and marriage registration;
  • Surcharge to the workers who are in holiday on care with a child;
  • Encouragement of workers of JSC "Lenenergo" to anniversaries;
  • Partial compensation of cost of permits on sanatorium treatment;
  • Partial compensation of costs on payment of electric and thermal energy used in home to all employees of JSC "Lenenergo;
  • Payment of lump-sum grant and surcharge to the grant in case of destruction of the worker on production and/or reception by the worker of physical inability on production;
  • Compensation of the expenses connected with burial of died employees of JSC "Lenenergo";
  • Other payments.

Organization of health-improving leisure of employees and members of their families

The Company created the possibility for health-improving leisure for employees of the Company and members of their families. There was also organized summer and winter leisure of the employees' children in children's recreation camps of Leningrad region, and sanatorium treatment of workers in sanatoria of Leningrad region.

Non-state provision of pensions

In 2010, according to the Program of non-state provision of pensions to employees of JSC "Lenenergo" (approved by the Board of Directors of JSC "Lenenergo", Minutes No.21 as of 01.06.2010), the following programs were implemented:

  • "Supporting";
  • "Parity".

Mass cultural and sports events

In November, 2010 the Company organized the competition of kids drawing dated by the Day of Power Engineer and the 90th anniversary of the GOERLO Plan. 67 children of the Company employees participated in the competition. Works of the winners were directed to JSC "IDGC Holding" to participate in the final stage of the competition.

In December, 2010, events devoted to celebrating of the Day of Power Engineer in all branches of JSC "Lenenergo" were held.

With a view of strengthening of health of employees and sports development in the Company, in 2010 the following sports events were carried out:

  • IV Sports meeting,
  • Tournament on minifootball.

On a constant basis the Company rents athletic fields for workers by various sports – minifootball, volleyball, table tennis, and chess.

The Company's employees took active part in the Second All-Russia winter and the Second All-Russia Summer Games of power engineering specialists of the distribution power network complex, conducted by JSC "IDGC Holding".

Work with youth and veterans

In the Company work with veterans and youth is performed within the framework of the social policy; great attention is given to their active interaction with a view of forming of continuity of generations, and transfer of experience.

The following events were carried out in 2010:

  • Organization of memorable events in honor of the Day of lifting of a blockade of Leningrad;
  • Opening in the office building of the Company of the Memorial plate with the names of power engineering specialist of Leningrad, which fall in days of blockade and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945;
  • Putting on of flowers to the monument "Native land-mother" on May 07, 2010 and a minute of silence in the memory of victims in days of war;
  • Participation in the event "Georgievskaya Lenta".

The Company took part in the history-memorial event "Relay race of the Banner of the Victory", organized by JSC "IDGC Holding" at the initiative of veterans of the distribution power network complex of Russia and passing in all Subsidiaries and dependent companies of JSC "IDGC Holding".

In 2010, the Regulations on mentorship were developed and approved; training of workers of personnel divisions of branches on revealing of potential instructors and carrying out of interviews with them was carried out. Within the limits of the given position the system of the mentorship including possibility of the establishment of the allowance to instructors, attraction of the worker as the instructor after retirement, provides the conclusion of contracts with students, development of individual programs and plans of training of trainees and assessment of employees following the results of training.

Besides, in 2010 the Regulations on the Council of young specialists of the Company were approved and the new composition of the Council in the number of 16 persons was created. The Council developed the Plan of measures for 2011 including education and trainings, participation in cultural-mass and sports events of the city and the region, and the organization and carrying out of tourist meetings. Teamwork of the Council of young specialists of the Company and the Council of veterans is planned.

Support of unemployed pensioners-veterans of the Company

The Company performs material support of unemployed pensioners-veterans, including:

  • material aid to anniversaries;
  • payments on the Day of lifting of the blockade of Leningrad, Victory Day, and Power Engineer Day;
  • monthly compensation on payment of electric and thermal power;
  • compensation of costs for burial.