Human Resources and Social Policy. Social Responsibility

System of Personnel Development. Training, Retraining and Advanced Training

The main aim of the Company’s employees training is to provide the necessary skill level of personnel members occupying certain positions, and thus leading to increase of work efficiency of employees and reliability of work of the equipment.

Additional aim of the training is to orientate employees’ professional and personal development together with raising the job satisfaction rate in the Company.

Due to employees’ professional training and retraining necessity, taking into account industrial interests, JSC "Lenenergo" organized training in the following areas in 2010:

  • Improvement of professional skill of executives and specialists in Petersburg Power Institute of Improvement of Professional Skills.
  • Training of heads and specialists, improvement of professional skills and assessment, retraining and improvement of professional skill of workers in Institute of Industrial Safety, Occupational Safety and Social Partnership.
  • Training of new workers, retraining and training of workers to the second professions, improvement of professional skill of workers, training and certification of workers and specialists according to normative documents of Rostekhnadzor of the Russian Federation in Institute of Industrial Safety, Occupational Safety and Social Partnership, JSC "Educational industrial complex" and other educational institutions. 979 persons have passed the given type of training.
  • Improvement of professional skills of specialists of RPAE services in the Center for Professional training of power industry, Petersburg power institute of improvement of professional skills, and St. Petersburg state polytechnic university. Within the limits of the project on development of RPAE services of the Company 26 specialists have been trained.
  • Improvement of professional skill of specialists in the field of metrological provision of production, ecological training of specialists, specialists of services of transmission of electric power. In total, in the given directions 112 workers have been trained.
  • On the basis of Scientifically-methodical educational centre of the higher driver's skill training of 40 drivers of branches has been carried out on the course of Counter-emergency driving of the car.

Besides, with a view of implementation of the Plan of personnel training, JSC "Lenenergo" cooperated with other educational institutions and centers of St. Petersburg and Moscow.

The Company also continued the program of higher and specialized secondary education provision in the main production and technical professions of industrial power engineering. 17 people entered the "Power supply" course in educational institutions of Leningrad Region and St. Petersburg.

Key partners of the Company in the given programs are as follows:

  • St. Petersburg branch of State University - Higher School of Economics,
  • Power Engineering Technical Colleague of St. Petersburg;
  • State Polytechnic University of St. Petersburg;
  • North-west Russian State Technical Correspondence University

In 2010, 13 heads of higher and average management levels of the Company started training under the program of preparation of administrative personnel for the organizations of national economy of the Russian Federation (the Presidential program) for 2010/2011 academic year in the following higher educational institutions of St. Petersburg:

  • St. Petersburg State Engineering-Economic University;
  • St. Petersburg Academy of Management and Economy;
  • St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University;
  • St. Petersburg State University of Economy and Finance.

In 2010, over 2,650 employees of JSC "Lenenergo" participated in educational trainings.

Forming of a personnel reserve

Within the limits of personnel development in the reporting period, according to the generated individual plans for development and career cards, the Company proceeded with its work on a personnel reserve.

In the Company there acts the corporate Model of competences, reflecting criteria of professional and social-psychological competence of the personnel from the point of view of conformity to the purposes of business and the Company's strategy.

On the basis of the given Model of competences, by the assessment-centre method there was conducted the estimation of heads of the Company's executive body (heads of divisions, services, and departments) and branches (directors, chief engineers, deputy directors, chiefs of services and divisions). 680 heads and specialists of the Company passed the assessment. By results of the assessment, the personnel reserve of heads of the Company has been generated. By results of the assessment, there were conducted consulting sessions and training seminars directed on development of professional competences with participants of the assessment events.

According to the program of forming of personnel reserve and by carrying out of the corresponding assessment procedures, in 2010, from those employees who have entered the personnel reserve, 7 persons were appointed to managerial posts.
