Human Resources and Social Policy. Social Responsibility

Information on Personnel

The average number of JSC "Lenenergo" personnel of in 2010 constituted 5,833 persons. The increase in the number of personnel for the reporting period with relation to 2009 amounted to 1.5%.

2008 - 2010 personnel quantity dynamics were caused by the following:

  • Company’s activities aimed at increasing the reliability of efficient services for power distribution networks, providing power supply for St. Petersburg and surrounding areas of Leningrad Region. The activities were a part of agreement for cooperation the St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region;
  • Personnel employment due to delegating the functions on forming the scope of rendered services for electric-power transmission from JSC "Energobalans";
  • quantity completion according to the list of staff.

The level of security personnel at the end of 2010 constituted 96%, the level of active fluidity of the personnel is lower than in 2009, and is equal to 6%.

JSC "Lenenergo" personnel structure by categories is caused by specificity of activity of distribution network system companies. The main category of personnel is 57 per cent of employees. During the period from 2008 up to 2010 there were not observed any essential changes in dynamics of quantity by categories, and the percentage ratio in 2008 and 2009 corresponds to the one presented on the chart for 2010.

Personnel age structure

JSC "Lenenergo" personnel average age does not exceed 44 years-old. Within the last 2 years the ratio between age groups remains almost invariable.

Within the limits of preserving of age characteristics, and considering the tendency of ageing of the personnel, in the Company in 2010 the work in the following directions was produced:

  • Implementation of the program on non-state provision of pensions and rejuvenation of personnel, directed on release of working pensioners with execution of payments to them;
  • Attraction of young specialists;
  • Revival of the mentorship movement.

The events aimed at attraction of young specialists are actively implemented. The personnel accepted in the Company, is essentially "younger" than releasing workers.

Personnel qualification structure

Since Company is a part of distributing network system, it has special requirements to people who operate in this industry. JSC "Lenenergo" personnel composition is characterized by high qualification level, 37.2% of the Company personnel have high education.

In 201, the tendency of employing young specialists having one higher education, undergone through professional retraining, was retained. There is also a tendency of the increase in educational level of the personnel as a result of increase in a share of workers with one higher, two and more higher educations.
