Human Resources and Social Policy. Social Responsibility

Principles of HR Management

The HR policy of JSC "Lenenergo" is aimed at buildup of a highly qualified staff which is one of the main resources and competitive advantages of the Company.

Guidelines of the Company in human resources management are:

  • All levels of management: top, lead, line managers are involved in human resources management;
  • Personnel development policy in all branches and subdivisions of the Company is common. Personnel development system and measures are open and understandable for all personnel of the Company;
  • There are selection, development and turnover of staff according to professional competences based on competitive selection and unbiased approach for evaluation of the Company personnel activity;
  • Staff composition is reformed based on continuity, mentoring system implementation, loyal attitude development for JSC "Lenenergo" and its corporative culture;
  • Conditions for professional and personal growth of personnel as well as motivation system for effective labor activity of personnel are created;
  • Modern HR methods, including information technologies for efficient management of the Company personnel, are implemented.

Implementation of the goals and HR policy principles is reached, including, at the expense of the acting in the Company of the program of maintenance and development of HR potential, approved by the decision of the Board of Directors of the Company as of 2.06.2010. Within the limits of the given program there was developed the schedule of implementation of the goals of HR policy for 5 years on the following basic directions:

  • Determination of a special category of employees, which retention has key value for the Company;
  • Development and introduction of events for a rejuvenation of the personnel of the Company, in particular, the personnel of production divisions (working and technical specialists);
  • Strengthening of cooperation with leading Russian educational institutions of the higher, average and vocational training, including, profile power educational institutions and chairs of high schools of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region in a direction of target preparation of young specialists;
  • Development of a system of vocational training, preparation and personnel retraining in a direction of wide use of possibilities of the educational centers of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region;
  • Strengthening of work with HR reserve;
  • Enhancement of system of motivation, development of system of social partnership in the Company;
  • Creation of the developed system of intracorporate communications and uniform information field;
  • Work strengthening on psycho physiological safety of labor activity of operation personnel.