ADMS Automated dispatcher management systems
AFAD Automatic fire alarm device
AFED Automatic fire extinguishing device
AFLS Automatic frequency load shedding
AIC Agro-industrial complex
AIMSPB Automated information and measuring system for power billing
ALT Automatic load transfer
AOPP Annual overall procurement program
APCS Automated process control system
AR Automatic reclosing
ATMS Automated technological management systems
AWP Autumn and winter period
B&C Balancing and commissioning
BAW Building and assembly work
BCTP Block complete transformer point
CDP Central distributing point
CF Cash flow
CL Cable line
Company JSC “Lenenergo” Open Joint-Stock Company of Power Industry and Electrification
CPMC of Saint St. Petersburg City Property Management Committee of Saint St. Petersburg
CSC Customer service center
CSWG Cubicle switch-gear
DCC Division (or other unit) of capital construction
DE Design estimates
DGC Distribution grid company
DPMS Dispatch and process management service
DSW Design and survey work
DTP Distributing transformer point
EC Emergency crew
ECS Emergency control schemes
EU European Union
FA Fixed assets
FFMS Federal Financial Market Service
FOCL Fiber-optic communication line
FRC Financial responsibility center
FZ Federal Law (FZ — is the transliterated Russian abbreviation)
GIS Geographic information system
GISWG Gas insulated switch-gear
GtPDN Gatchina Power Distribution Networks — a subsidiary of JSC “Lenenergo”
HPP Hydropower plant
HSC NMC Hardware and software complex of Networks management center
IDGC Interregional Distribution Grid Company
IDGC Holding Holding of Interregional Distribution Grid Companies (Open Joint-Stock Company)
IFRS International financial reporting standards
IMS Integrated management system
INV Inventory
IP Investment program
IT Information Technologies
ITIL IT Infrastructure Library which describes the best practices applied in ways of organizing the work of units or companies providing IT services
JSC Closed Joint-Stock Company
JSC “FGC UES” Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy Systems of Russia (Open Joint-Stock Company)
JSC “MICEX Exchange”, MICEX Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange, Closed Joint-Stock Company
JSC “RAO UES” Unified Energy Systems of Russia (Open Joint-Stock Company)
JSC “SO UES” System Operator of Unified Energy Systems of Russia (Open Joint-Stock Company)
JSC “SO-CDB UES” System Operator — Central Dispatching Board of the Unified Energy Systems of Russia (Open Joint-Stock Company)
KnPDN Kingisepp Power Distribution Networks — a subsidiary of JSC “Lenenergo”
LDC Load dispatch center
LgPDN Luga Power Distribution Networks — a subsidiary of JSC “Lenenergo”
LLC Limited Liability Company
LpPDN Lodeynoye Pole Power Distribution Networks — a subsidiary of JSC “Lenenergo”
LR Leningrad Region
LS Linear switch
MMS Modular mobile station
MP Microprocessor
MPTL Main power transmission lines
MS Main substation
NLlPDN Novaya Ladoga Power Distribution Networks — a subsidiary of JSC “Lenenergo”
NMC Network management center
NWFD North-West Federal District
OCSWG Outdoor cubicle switch-gear
ODO Operational-dispatching office
OJSC Open Joint-Stock Company
OSG Outdoor switch-gear
OTL Overhead transmission line
PDN Power distribution networks
PDZ Power distribution zone
PHP Power and Heating Plant
PLS Power level service
PNC Power network company
PU Production units
R&D Research and Development
RAS Russian Accounting Standards
RCB Russian Central Bank
RDC Regional dispatch control
RFTS Russian Federal Tariff Service
RPAE Relay protection and automatic equipment
RPC Regional power commission
RTC RF Russian Tax Code
SAR Statutory accounting regulations
SB Storage battery
SC Share capital
SDCs Subsidiaries and Dependent companies
SEIAEC State educational institution of additional education for children
SICT System for information collecting and transfer
SPA Science and production association
SPB Saint St. Petersburg
SRPAE Service of relay protection and automatic equipment
SS Substation
SSIW Self-supporting insulating wire
STC UES NCP Scientific and Technical Council of Unified Energy System of Russia Non-Commercial Partnership
SuPDN Suburban Power Distribution Networks — a subsidiary of JSC “Lenenergo”
SW Switch
SWG Switch-gear
TGK Regional power generating company (TGK is- the transliterated Russian abbreviation)
TkPDN Tikhvin Power Distribution Networks — a subsidiary of JSC “Lenenergo”
TL Transmission line
TM Telemechanics
TMR Technical modernization and reconstruction
TP Transformer point
UIS Unified informational system
UNPDN Unified National (Russian) Power Distribution Network
VAT Value added tax
VPDN Vyborg Power Distribution Networks — a subsidiary of JSC “Lenenergo”
Units of Measurement
Hz Hertz — unit of electrical frequency
Km Kilometer
kV Kilovolt — unit of voltage
kVa Kilovolt-ampere — unit of apparent power
kWh Kilowatt per hour — unit of energy
MVA Megavolt-ampere — unit of transformer power
MVar Megavar — unit of electric load
MW Megawatt — unit of power
Pcs Pieces
RUR thousand Thousand rubles
Balanced financial result (profit minus losses) Final financial result revealed on the basis of accounting of all business operations of organizations. Represents the sum of profit (loss) from sale of goods (work, services), fixed assets, and other assets of the organizations and incomes from non-sales transactions, reduced for minus the sum of expenses for these operations. Data on the balanced financial result is provided on a circle of large and medium-sized organizations at current prices, structure and methodology of the corresponding years, according to accounting reporting.
Capitalization Market cost of the Company. Is calculated by multiplying the product of the price of shares by their the total amount.
Company Open Joint-Stock Company of the Power Industry and Electrification “Lenenergo”.
Consumer price index and tariffs for goods and paid services to the population (CPI) Indicator characterizing the time variation of the overall level of prices and tariffs for goods and services purchased by the population for non-productive consumption. It measures the relation of cost of the fixed kit of goods and services in the current period to its cost in the previous period.
Distribution grid company (DGC) Open joint stock company established as a result of division of AO-Energo by types of activity on the basis of objects of electro-network economy, not related to the unified national (all-Russian) electric power network.
Dividend Part of net profit of the Company, allocated between shareholders.
EBITDA Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization — the analytical indicator equal to the volume of profit before a deduction of expenses on for interest, tax payments, of taxes and depreciation charges.
Electric power industry An industry of the economy of the Russian Federation, including the complex of economic relations arising in the course of production (including, production in the mode of the combined generating of electric and thermal power), transmission of electric power, operatively-dispatching management in the electric power industry, sales and consumption of electric power with the use of production and other property objects (including those, entering that are part of the Unified Energy System of Russia), belonging by right of ownership or other basis prescribed by Federal Laws to subjects of the electric power industry or other persons. The electric power industry is the basis of functioning of the economy and life-support.
Electric power industry system The electric part of the power supply system and the receivers of electric power fed by this grid, united by a generality of the process of production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electric power.
Estimation of population Determination of the number of inhabitants on the territory of the region or its part without carrying out any special population census.
Export Export of goods from the state customs territory abroad without the obligation to re-import. Export includes goods of domestic production, as well as re-exports of goods. The goods of domestic production include the goods of foreign production entered into the country and subjected to substantial processing, altering any qualitative or technical core characteristics of the goods. Re-exported goods include the goods imported into the country, and then exported abroad without any processing.
Financial analysis Set of analytical procedures at the Company level, typically based on publicly available financial information and intended for estimations of the economic potential of the Company and its development prospects.
Financial solvency of the Company Capability of the Company to carry out the its financial liabilities following from commercial, credit and other operations of a credit nature.
Foreign investments into economy Capital investment by foreign investors, as well as foreign branches of Russian foreign legal foreign entities into the objects of entrepreneurial and other types of activity in on the territory of Russia, for the purpose of receiving subsequent income. Investments are divided into direct, portfolio and other.
Foreign trade turnover Sum of export and import.
Gross added cost Difference between the cost of the goods produced and the rendered services rendered (release) and the cost of the goods and the services completely consumed in the course of production (intermediate consumption).
Gross regional product (GRP) Base indicator of social and economic development of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, characterizing the result of production of the goods and services for a certain period. GDP is the sum of the gross added cost (GAC), produced by all units-residents of the regional economy, plus the size of the amount of net taxes on products.
Import Import of goods to the state custom territory from abroad with no obligation to re-export. Import comprises imported goods intended for consumption in the national economy, goods imported to territory of the state according to the mode of re-export, and goods purchased for the domestic organizations abroad, for consumption on the premises.
Industrial production index Relative indicator characterizing the change of scale of production in the compared periods. Individual and composite indices of industrial production differ. Individual indices reflect changes in output of one product and are calculated as the relation of volumes of output of the given type of product in naturally material expression in the periods compared periods. The composite index of industrial production characterizes cumulative changes of production of all types of goods. The index characterizes the change of cost created in the course of industrial production as a result of change only of physical volume of produced goods. To calculate the composite index of production of an industrial output, individual indices by concrete types of for an industrial output are gradually aggregated into indices by economic activities and industrial production as a whole.
Inflation Process characterized by an increase in the overall price level in the economy, or, which is equivalent — by a decrease in the purchasing power of money.
Liquidity of assets Capability of assets to be transformed to money funds in the course of the provided production-technological process, while degree of liquidity is determined by the duration of time turnover during which this natural transformation can be performed.
Liquidity of the Company Determined by the capability of the Company to quickly and with a minimum level of financial losses to transform its assets (property) into money funds.
Liquidity of the Company balance Degree of covering of the Company’s obligations liabilities by its assets, the term of transformation into the monetary form of which corresponds to the term of repayment of liabilities.
Listing Set of procedures for the admission of securities to circulation at stock exchange in the order confirmed by organizers of trade.
Material transaction Transaction that may significantly affect the Company activity. The list of such transactions is determined by the Company independently.
Monetary incomes Salary of employees, incomes of the persons occupied with an entrepreneurial activity, pensions, benefits, grants and other social transfers, and incomes of from the property in the form of percent interest on contributions, securities, dividends and other incomes.
Monetary incomes per capita Are estimated by dividing the total sum of monetary incomes by the number of resident total population.
Net assets Value determined by subtraction of the sums of liabilities of the Joint-Stock Company, accepted to for calculation, from the sum of its assets, accepted to for calculation.
Net debt The value of net debt is calculated as the sum of long-term and short-term loans and credits with the deduction of monetary funds and short-term financial investments (line 510 + line 610 — line 250 — line 260 of the Balance Sheet).
Petrostat Territorial body of the Federal Agency of State Statistics on for Saint St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.
Power (transmission) line Electric installation consisting of wires, cables, isolating elements and bearing structures, intended for transmission of electric power between two stations of a power grid with possible intermediate take-off.
Price indexes of manufacturers of industrial output Calculated on the basis of reported prices for goods — representatives of the basic (reference) enterprises. Costs prices of enterprises which have actually developed in the current period (net of indirect commodity taxes — VAT, excises, etc.) on goods intended for sale on the domestic market are considered.
Productive supply Amount of electric power transmitted to end consumers, connected to networks of a distribution grid company.
RAB Regulatory Asset Base — the method of return on investment capital, used for calculating tariffs for electric power transmission.
Rate of registered unemployment
Relation of the number of unemployed registered by official bodies of the population work placement service to the number of the economically active population, in as a percentage.
Real monetary incomes Nominal monetary incomes corrected on for the consumer price index.
Relay protection Devices intended for automatic switching-off of a damaged element from power supplies by means of switches and for response on to dangerous abnormal operating modes of elements of the power supply system.
ROE Return On Equity — the profit on equity (share) capital. The relation of net profit after payment of taxes to net share capital.
Service Useful result of activity satisfying certain needs, but not embodied in any material form. The main types of international services include: transport services, services of hotels and restaurants, mail and communication services, repair of machines, installation of equipment and the other types of services not included in the list.
Stock market Part of financial market covering organizational trade of securities through various stock exchanges and in the off-exchange market.
Subsidiaries and Dependent Companies Legal entities in which the Company has more than 20% of voting shares, or either due to prevailing participation in share capital, or according to an concluded agreement concluded, or otherwise enabled to make decisions accepted by such legal entities.
Unemployment rate Relation of the number of unemployed to the number of economically active population, in as a percentage.