General Information on the Company

Mission and Strategy

The development strategy of JSC "Lenenergo" is aimed at securing reliable and stable electric power supply to consumers on the servicing area of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

In 2009, the Government of the Russian Federation approved Russia’s Power Development Strategy for the period until 2030, on which the following strategic goals of the electricity distribution grid complex and JSC "IDGC Holding" are based:

  • increase in reliability and quality of services implemented;
  • increase in operating and investment efficiency;
  • increase in investment appeal;
  • increase in power efficiency and provision of innovative development;
  • increase in the availability of power network infrastructure;
  • development of human capital.

The Company’s strategic goals, as well as tactical means in the key areas of its activity intended to secure the achievement of these goals, are listed below.

Securing a reliable and stable power supply within the area of responsibility of JSC "Lenenergo": St. -Petersburg and the Leningrad Region

Technical Policy

  1. Optimization of processes for electric power transmission and technological connection;
  2. Securing an uninterrupted and qualitative power supply;
  3. Elimination of limitations on grid connection;
  4. Creation of an efficient revenue metering system for registering the amounts of power supply and capacity.

Financial Policy

  1. Securing stable solvency and financial reliability;
  2. Efficient use of funds and attracting financial resources on the most favorable conditions;
  3. Efficient use of the new system of tariff regulation (RAB1).

Corporate Policy

  1. Increase in efficiency and transparency of corporate governance and enhancing informational openness;
  2. Implementation of measures intended for the consolidation of network assets within the area of the Company’s responsibility;
  3. Measures which are supposed to increase the value of the Company’s shares.

Investment policy and innovations

  1. Optimal use of investments;
  2. Securing faster rates of the Company’s development which meet and support the pace of development for the region set by the Governments of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region;
  3. Developing and implementing the Company's innovative program.

HR policy

  1. Implementation of programs directed at developing personnel, including the Company's personnel reserve;
  2. Attracting highly skilled personnel (within the limits of the state policy on innovative development of the industry);
  3. Optimization of the structure and number of personnel;
  4. Enhancement of systems of personnel motivation.
Securing the operational efficiency of JSC "Lenenergo"
Creation and modernization of power industry facilities in St. St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region
Increasing the investment appeal of JSC "Lenenergo"

1 JSC "Lenenergo" switched to RAB-regulation from January 01, 2011
