Corporate Governance and Securities of the Company

Subsidiaries and Dependent Companies

Full Name Closed Joint-Stock Company "Lenenergospetsremont"
Abbreviation JSC "Lenenergospetsremont"
Legal and actual addresses 199178 Russia, St. Petersburg, Vasilievskiy Ostrov, 12th Line, 43A
Authorized capital RUR 7,500,000.00
Stock of JSC "Lenenergo" in the authorized capital of the Company 100%
Stock of the Company in the authorized capital of JSC "Lenenergo" 0%
Area of service St. Petersburg
Main types of activity
  • functions of an executive body of business entities
  • trust management of property
  • electric power transmission
Director General Aleksander Viktorovich Lurie
Birth year: 1963
Date of election: 21.10.2010
(Minutes No.10/10 as of 21.10.2010)

Full Name JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "Tsarskoselskaya Power Supplying Company"14
Abbreviation JSC "TPSC"
Legal and actual addresses 196601 Russia, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, ul. Glinki, 5
Authorized capital RUR 13,152,000.00
Stock of JSC "Lenenergo" in the authorized capital of the Company 96.95%
Stock of the Company in the authorized capital of JSC "Lenenergo" 0%
Area of service St. Petersburg
Main types of activity
  • electric power transmission over power distribution networks
  • technological connection of power installations
  • operational servicing of external illumination networks
Director General Veronika Viktorovna Tarnorutskaya
Birth year: 1959
Date of election: 2005

14 The Company purchased shares of JSC “TsPC” on 16.08.2010

JSC "Tsarskoselskaya Power Company" started its history in 1887, when there was constructed the first in a Russia city power station near the Ekaterina Palace in Tsarskoye Selo. For these years, having kept the traditions of Russian engineers, continuously developing and mastering new kinds of activity, the organization turned from the highly specialized enterprise of Pushkin electric networks into a diversified company.

For 82 years, the company has been successfully maintaining the city electric networks of 10–0.4 kV, providing electricity supply and street illumination in the territory of Pushkin and Pavlovsk areas.

JSC "Tsarskoselskaya Power Company" services the networks of electricity supply and outdoor illumination of Pushkin, Pavlovsk, and adjoining settlements (Tyarlevo, Aleksandrovskaya, Gummolosary, Grachevka, Pyazelevo, and Dinamo), as well as networks of outdoor illumination of Shushary, Detskoselsky and Lensovetovsky sovkhoz.

Full Name Close corporation "Kurortenergo" 15
Abbreviation CC "Kurortenergo"
Legal and actual addresses 197706 Russia, St. Petersburg, Sestroretsk, ul. Kommunarov, 16
Authorized capital RUR 209,160.00
Stock of JSC "Lenenergo" in the authorized capital of the Company 98.13%
Stock of the Company in the authorized capital of JSC "Lenenergo" 0%
Area of service Leningrad Region
Main types of activity
  • electric power transmission and other services inseparably linked with the process of electric power supply of consumers
  • technological connection of power accepting devices (power installations and objects of power grid economy) of legal entities and individuals to electric networks
Director General Managing organization – Closed Joint-Stock Company "Lenenergospetsremont"

15 The Company purchased shares of JSC “Kurortenergo” on 16.08.2010

The history of JSC "Kurortenergo" started on October 23, 1928 when the Sestroretsk Department of Lenselelectro was founded. After the war, it was actively extended, and changed its name.

In 1955, it was renamed "Sestroretsk power network office", in 1981 – "the Enterprise of Sestroretsk electric networks". Since 1996 it has carried the name of JSC "Kurortenergo" (Closed Joint-Stock Company "Kurortenergo" since 25.06.2009).

JSC "Kurortenergo" is a distribution grid company in the Northwest, serving the territory of the cities of Sestroretsk, Zelenogorsk, and the settlements Razliv, Tarhovka, Aleksandrovskaya, Gorskaya, Lisiy Nos, Olgino, Lakhta, Beloostrov, Solnechnoe, Repino, Komarovo, Serovo, Smolyachkovo, Molodezhnoe, Dibuny, Pesochny, Levashovo, Pargolovo, Torfyanoe, Osinovaya Roscha.

Dependent companies

Full Name Joint-Stock Company "Energouchet"
Abbreviation JSC "Energouchet"
Legal and actual addresses 195197 Russia, St. Petersburg, ul. Zhukova, 19
Authorized capital RUR 10,000.00
Stock of JSC "Lenenergo" in the authorized capital of the Company 40%
Stock of the Company in the authorized capital of JSC "Lenenergo" 0%
Area of service St. Petersburg, Leningrad Region
Main types of activity
  • manufacturing, adoption, and maintenance of measuring devices of energy resources
  • development and adoption of energy-efficient technologies
  • certification of energy-efficient technologies
Director General Vladimir Gennadyevich Kornev
Birth year: 1955
Date of election: 15.07.2008
(Minutes No.23 as of 16.07.2008)

Since 1993, JSC "Energouchet" has been an active participant of the electro technical goods market, and specializes in deciding tasks on the organization of electric power accounting at all levels of its distribution from non-industrial and household consumers to AIMS CAEP (Automated Information-Measuring System of Commercial Accounting of Electric Power) of power supply systems and intersystem overflows.

Stake of JSC "Lenenergo" in other companies

Name of the Company Type of Activity Charter capital (RUR) Share in Charter capital (%) Year of investment
Power Management Company
Execution of powers of executive bodies in joint-stock and other companies; trust management of property; consulting services. 897,363,008.00 12.51 2005
Petersburg Power Sales Company16 Wholesale and retail purchase and sale of electric power. 897,363,008.00 12.51 2005
Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System17 Enhancing the reliability and efficiency of United National Electricity Networks, including isolated networks; development of the wholesale market, Implementation of state policies in the power energy industry. 1,153,514,196,362.00 0.0506 2008
VELMA Modernization and reconstruction of energy equipment. 104.00 7.69 1992
Neva Syndicate Investment construction group. Development of construction technologies. Attraction of public investment, incl. through mortgaging procedures. 1,000,000.00 4.00 1993
Ruskobank Banking services, broker activities, depositary and dealership activities. 503,275,080.00 0.0208 1989
Akvatron Manufacturing and sales of fishery products. 3,000.00 1.33 1991

16 The Company sold shares of JSC “PPSC” on 21.06.2010

17 The Company sold shares of JSC “FGC UES” on 11.03.2010

Membership of JSC "Lenenergo" in non-profit organizations

The Company is a member of the following non-profit organizations and partnerships:

Name Date of entering
Leningrad Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 03.09.2003
St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 14.12.2006
All-Russian Public Organization "Delovaya Rossia" 27.09.2007
Non-Commercial Partnership "St. Petersburg Association of the Construction Companies" 25.09.2008
Non-Commercial Partnership "Power Industry Veterans Council" 12.11.2008
(terminated on 19.02.2010)
Non-Commercial Partnership "Scientific and technical council of the Unified Energy System of Russia" 01.12.2008
Regional Association of Employers within the St. Petersburg Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs 24.12.2009
Non-Commercial Partnership "Energostroy" 07.12.2009
Non-Commercial Partnership "Energoproekt" 05.03.2010
Non-Commercial Partnership "Union of energy auditors and energy servicing companies" 23.12.2010