Position of the Company in the Industry

Open Joint-Stock Company of Power Industry and Electrification "Lenenergo" serves a capacious market – the territory of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. The key indicators which characterized the economic situation within the Company’s area of service in 2010, are given in the table below.2

Indicator St. Petersburg Leningrad Region
Consumer Price Index
December 2010 / December 2009, % 109.4 111.1
For reference: December 2009 / December 2008, % 108.5 110.1
Execution of consolidated budget
Income (January-November 2010), RUR mln 316,676 64,213
Expenses (January-November 2010), RUR mln 289,244 56,653
Profit (January-November 2010), RUR mln 27,432 7,560
Public debt of the federal region, RUR mln
As of 01.02.2011(SPB); As of 01.12.2010 (LR) 3,048 5,528
For reference: as of 01.01.2010 1,815 5,755
New residential buildings put into operation
2010, total area, thousand sq.m 2,656.5 1,041.1
2010, % vs. the previous year period 102.0% 101.0%
Industrial Production Index
2010 / 2009, % 108.9% 114.8%
For reference: 2009 / 2008, % 80.3% 93.5%
Balanced financial result (profit minus losses) by types of economic activities3
Total (January-November 2010), RUR mln 301,478 58,495
% vs. the corresponding period of 2009 124.9% 146.8%
Change of real monetary incomes, % vs. the corresponding period of the previous year
2010 109.7% 107.6%
For reference: 2009 111.3% 95.2%
Ratio of average per capita income to living-wage, %
3 quarter 2010 475.0% 277.1%
For reference: 3 quarter 2009 395.9% 269.0%
Foreign trade turnover (goods)
Foreign trade turnover, January-December 2010, USD mln 36,341 14,727
%, to January-December 2009 116.3% 136.1%
Including export 11,817 10,147
%, to January-December 2009 87.9% 141.7%
Including import 24,524 4,580
%, to January-December 2009 137.8% 125.1%
Trade balance (January-December 2010), USD bln -12.7 5.6
Investments into fixed capital
January-December 2010, total, RUR bln 375.0 269.3
January-December 2010, % vs. the corresponding period of the previous year 106.4% 132.4%
Total volume of foreign investments into the non-financial sector of the economy
January-December, 2010, USD mln 5,231.4 636.9
% to January-December, 2009 94.7% 51.1%
Demographic indicators
Population4 , thousand people, 2010, total 4,624.7 1,626.3
Natural population loss in 2010 per 1,000 people, % vs. 2009 79% 94%
Increase in births per 1,000 people in 2010, % vs. 2009 106% 100%
Increase in deaths per 1,000 people in 2010, % vs. 2009 101% 97%

2 The data was provided by the Regional Body of the Federal Agency of Government Statistics for Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad Region (Petrostat), the Finance Committee of Saint Petersburg, and taken from the official Website of Leningrad Region (http://lenobl.ru/finance) and Saint Petersburg (http://lwww.gov.spb.ru/test), the data of the Ministry of Regional Development (http://www.minregion.ru) (including on the basis of the data of operative statistical reporting). The methodology of calculation for most of the indicators is given on Petrostat’s official website at www.petrostat.gks.ru

3 Financial results for the activity of large and middle companies are given excluding banks, insurance companies, and governmental organizations

4 By a tentative estimation, the population of Saint Petersburg as of January 01, 2010 amounted to 4,627.2 thousand people, and from the beginning of the year it increased by 26.9 thousand people, or 0.6%

After the long period of stable economic growth, the regions of the Company’s activity faced the challenges of the global world financial and economic crisis. Despite the depth of the negative effects and speed of propagation of the crisis, Governments of the regions managed to perform the transition from the management of "economies of growth" to the organization of anti-recessionary management, and in the future, in the process of stabilization of the economic situation, to re-start a gradual transition to the actions stimulating economic development of federal regions.

Since the prospects of JSC "Lenenergo" are direct related to the situation in the country's economy as a whole, and in the regions of the Company activity, in particular, the monitoring and considering of the situation in the regional economy is an indivisible element of its strategic development.
