
Supplemental Information

Full name: Joint-Stock Company “Lenenergo”
Abbreviated name: JSC "Lenenergo"
Seat: 196247, Saint Petersburg, Constitution Square, 1
TIN (taxpayer id. number)/RRC (registration reason code): 7803002209/78345001
PSRN (primary state registration number): 1027809170300
Bank details: settl. account 40702810855000164957, corr. account 30101810500000000653
NORTH-WESTERN BANK OF JSC "SBERBANK OF RUSSIA" Saint Petersburg, RCBIC (Russian Central Bank identification code) 044030653
General Director Andrey Valentinovich Sorochinsky
Reception: t. (812) 331-87-95; f. (812) 331-87-96
Chief Accountant Galina Vladimirovna Kuznetsova
t. (812) 595-86-78; f. (812) 224-81-67
Corporate Secretary of the Company Andrey Sergeevich Smolnikov
t. (812) 595-31-76; f. (812) 494-37-34
Shareholder and Investor Relations Division t. (812) 494-74-35; f. (812) 494-37-34
Chief of the Authorities, Public Entities, Mass Media Relations Service, Advisor to General Director for Information Policy
Elena Alexandrovna Pokrovskaya
t. (812) 494-32-99; f. (812) 494-35-44
Chief of the Competitions Preparation and Holding Division Olga Alexandrovna Bordukova
t. (812) 494-38-72; f. (812) 595-33-48
Hot Line telephone number: t. (812) 595-86-62; f. (812) 595-86-26

General information on the Company Registrar

Full name: Open joint-stock company "R.O.S.T. Registrar"
Abbreviated name: OJS Company "R.O.S.T. Registrar"
Date of registration: 22 November 1993, registered by the Moscow Registration Chamber, registration number #447.993
Number of License: License issued by RF FSC (the Federal Securities Commission of the Russian Federation) #10-000-1-00264 dated 3 December 2002
Seat address: 107996, Moscow, Stromynka Street, 18, bld. 13
199026, Saint Petersburg, 26th line of Vasilievsky Ostrov, 15, bld. 2, lit. A
Contact information: telephone/fax: : (812) 322-76-27, (812) 322-48-91

The shareholder register was maintained by JSC «MCD« before 14 December 2010 (

General information on the Company Auditor

Full name of the official auditor: HLB Vneshaudit Closed Joint Stock Company
Abbreviated name of the official auditor: "HLB Vneshaudit CJSC"
Legal address: Russia, 109180, Moscow, B. Yakimanka Street, 25-27/2
Actual address: 123610, Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, 12, International Trading Center, entrance 3, office 701
Telephone, fax numbers +7 (495) 967-04-95; +7 (495) 967-04-97
Internet address
Included into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities PSRN 1027739314448
Included into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: PSRN 1024001183898
Certificate of series 40 #000224832
License license on performance of auditing activities #Е 006548, issued by the RF Ministry of Finance dated 25 June 2002 with the period of validity before 25 June 2012. license on performance of works related with use of the information representing the State secret #11141 dated 19 November 2007
Insurance of the professional responsibility of the auditor Professional risks of “HLB Vneshaudit CJSC” are insured by Ingosstrakh OJSIC according to the requirements made to the auditing activities and audit-related services (including legal ones). Insurance policy #433-004898/09 for the amount of 40,000,000 USD