
Financial Reporting of the Company for 2010 (Bookkeeping Forms)

BALANCE SHEET at 31 December 2010

Form No. 1 according to ARCMD (All-Russia Classifier of Management Documentation) 0710001
Date (year, month, day) 2010  12  31
Entity JSC “Lenenergo” According to RNNBO (Russian National Nomenclature of Businesses and Organizations) 00107131
Tax Payer Id. Number TPIN (Tax Payer Id. Number) 7803002209
Type of activity Energy industry According to ARCTEA (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities) 40.12
Form of legal entity’s incorporation/ form of ownership According to ARCLSB (All-Russian Classifier of Legal Structures of Businesses)/ARKFO (All-Russia Classifier of Forms of Ownership) 47      34
Measurement units RUR, thousand According to ARCMU (All-Russia Classifier of Measurement Units) 384/385
Seat (address) 196247, Saint Petersburg, Constitution Square, 1
ASSET Indicator code As at the beginning of the reporting year As at the end of reporting period
Intangible assets 110 105,204 145,086
Fixed assets 120 53,116,273 61,615,770
Construction in process 130 12,483,108 14,484,394
Interest-bearing investments into material values 135
Long-term financial assets 140 578,846 946,266
Deferred tax assets 145 163,242 206,129
Other non-current assets 150
TOTAL Section I 190 66,446,673 77,397,645
Resources 210 1,407,659 1,108,127
raw materials, other materials and similar values 525,013 560,751
rearers and fatteners
expenses in construction in process
final product and goods for resale
loaded-out goods
prepaid expenses 882,646 547,376
other resources and expenses
Value added tax on acquired values 220 283,740 256,448
Debt receivable (payments are expected in more than 12 months as from the reporting date) 230 1,269,506 1,097,584
including buyers and customers
Debt receivables (payments are expected within 12 months as from the reporting date) 240 10,793,558 8,512,038
including buyers and customers
Short-term financial investments 250 100,000
Monetary assets 260 2,482,717 328,507
Other working assets 270
TOTAL Section II 290 16,337,180 11,302,704
BALANCE 300 82,783,853 88,700,349

Prepared using the system ConsultantPlus

LIABILITIES Indicator code As at the beginning of the reporting year As at the end of reporting period
Charter capital 410 1,019,286 1,019,286
Own shares repurchased from shareholders ( ) ( )
Additional capital 420 40,897,340 40,468,968
Reserve capital 430 152,893 152,893
reserves formed according to the law 152,893 152,893
reserves formed according to documents of incorporation
Undistributed profit (uncovered loss) 470 6,274,514 10,118,260
TOTAL Section III 490 48,344,033 51,759,407
Loans and credits 510 13,900,000 13,561,600
Deferred tax liabilities 515 790,198 1,049,982
Other long-term liabilities 520 223,038 148,788
TOTAL Section IV 590 14,913,236 14,760,370
Loans and credits 610 246,430 1,171,790
Accounts payable 620 19,133,134 20,835,993
suppliers and contractors 2,910,500 3,225,841
debt to the personnel of the entity 124,684 118,808
debt to the state non-budgetary funds 18,112 43,111
debt under taxes and tax levies 673,177 121,324
other creditors 15,406,661 17,326,909
Debt to participants (founders) in respect of income payment 630
Deferred revenues 640 146,500 137,493
Reserves for future expenses 650 520 35,296
Other short-term liabilities 660
TOTAL Section V 690 19,526,584 22,180,572
BALANCE 700 82,783,853 88,700,349
Reference note on the values registered on the off-balance accounts
Leased fixed assets 910 5,256,693 6,197,675
including leasing 911 4,717,321 5,086,870
Goods and materials accepted for safe storage 920 30,076 41,972
Goods accepted on commission 921
Debts of insolvent debtors written off to losses 940 440,967 416,415
Security of liabilities and payments received 950 7,064,278 6,340,463
Security of liabilities and payments provided 960 494,307 165,348
Housing depreciation 970 55,228 677
Depreciation of land improvement facilities and other similar facilities
Intangible assets received for use

A.V. Sorochinsky,

G.V. Kuznetsova,
Chief Accountant

for 12 months of 2010

Form No. 2 according to ARCMD (All-Russia Classifier of Management Documentation) 0710002
Date (year, month, day) 2010 12 31
Entity JSC “Lenenergo” According to RNNBO (Russian National Nomenclature of Businesses and Organizations) 00107131
Tax Payer Id. Number TPIN (Tax Payer Id. Number) 7803002209
Type of activity Energy industry According to ARCTEA (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities) 40.10.2
Form of legal entity’s incorporation/ form of ownership According to ARCLSB (All-Russian Classifier of Legal Structures of Businesses)/ARKFO (All-Russia Classifier of Forms of Ownership) 47      34
Measurement units RUR, thousand According to ARCMU (All-Russia Classifier of Measurement Units) 384/385
Indicator For the reporting peroid For the similar period of previous year
Name Code
Income and expense on ordinary activities
Earnings (net) related to sales of goods, products, works, services (less value added tax, excises and similar commitments) 010 34,200,557 26,087,949
Cost of sold goods, products, works, services 020 (27,487,917) (20,814,954)
Gross profit 029 6,712,640 5,272,995
Commercial expenses 030 ( ) ( )
Management expenses 040 ( ) ( )
Profit (loss) on sales 050 6,712,640 5,272,995
Other income and expense
Interest receivable 060 63,465 35,279
Interest payable 070 (938,442) (773,449)
Income related to participation in other entities 080 25,085 16,072
Other income 090 1,495,979 1,929,686
Other expense 100 (2,076,356) (2,394,643)
Profit (loss) before taxes 140 5,282,371 4,085,940
Deferred tax assets 141 42,887 16,388
Deferred tax liabilities 142 (259,784) (80,002)
Current income tax 150 (1,269,897) (1,294,509)
Other similar payments 10,014 530,219
Net profit (loss) of the reporting period 190 3,805,591 3,258,036
Constant tax liabilities (assets) 200 435,337 542,703
Base earning (loss) per share 4.109 3.518
Diluted profit (loss) per share


Indicator For the reporting period For the similar period of the previous year
Name Code Profit Loss Profit Loss
Fines, penalty fees and penal sums that are recognized, or that are enforced by the court (arbitration court) ruling 523 7,555 5 25,557
Profit (loss) of past years 42,402 36,066 75,839 125,351
Compensation of loss caused by non-execution or inappropriate execution of liabilities
Exchange rate differences under the operations performed in the foreign currencies 37 14 453 169
Allocations to the assessment reserves Õ Õ
Write-off of debts receivable and accounts payable, under which the limitation of action expired 1,761 22,356 24,797 323,650

A.V. Sorochinsky,

G.V. Kuznetsova,
Chief Accountant

for 2010

Form No. 3 according to ARCMD (All-Russia Classifier of Management Documentation) 0710003
Date (year, month, day) 2010 12 31
Entity JSC „Lenenergo” According to RNNBO (Russian National Nomenclature of Businesses and Organizations) 17230282
Tax Payer Id. Number TPIN (Tax Payer Id. Number) 7728662669
Type of activity Industry — energy industry According to ARCTEA (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities) 74.15.2
Form of legal entity’s incorporation/ form of ownership According to ARCLSB (All-Russian Classifier of Legal Structures of Businesses)/ARKFO (All-Russia Classifier of Forms of Ownership) 47      43
Measurement units RUR, thousand According to ARCMU (All-Russia Classifier of Measurement Units) 384
Indicator name Authorized capital Additional capital Reserve capital Undistributed
profit (uncovered
Name Code
Balance at December 31 of the year preceding the previous one 010 1,019,286 40,960,186 134,604 3,042,455 45,156,531
year 2009
(previous year)
Changes in the accounting policy
011 õ õ õ
Fixed asset objects revaluation result 012 õ õ
Changes in the book keeping policy rules 013 õ õ 112,669 112,669
Balance at January 1 of the previous year 020 1,019,286 40,960,186 134,604 3,155,124 45,269,200
Foreign currency recalculation result 023 õ õ õ
Net profit 025 õ õ õ 3,258,036 3,258,036
Dividends 026 õ õ õ (153,962) (153,962)
Allocations to the reserve fund 030 õ õ 18,289 (18,289)
Equity amount increase due to: 040 1,430,214 1,430,214
additional issue of shares 041 õ õ õ
shares par value increase 042 õ õ õ
legal entity reorganization 043 õ õ
other 044 1,430,214 1,430,214
Equity amount decrease due to: 050 (62,846) (1,396,609) (1,459,455)
shares par value decrease 051 õ õ õ
shares number decrease 052 õ õ õ
legal entity reorganization 053 õ õ
other 054 (62,846) (1,396,609) (1,459,455)
Balance at December 31 of the previous year 060 1,019,286 40,897,340 152,893 6,274,514 48,344,033
year 2010
(reporting year)
Changes in the accounting policy
061 õ õ õ
Fixed asset objects revaluation result 062 õ õ
Changes in the book keeping rules 063 õ õ
Balance at January 1 of the reporting year 100 1,019,286 40,897,340 152,893 6,274,514 48,344,033
Foreign currency recalculation result 103 õ õ õ
Net profit 105 õ õ õ 3,805,591 3,805,591
Dividends 106 õ õ õ (325,804) (325,804)
Allocations to the reserve fund 110 õ õ
Equity amount increase due to: 120 3,360,605 3,360,605
additional issue of shares 121 õ õ õ
shares par value increase 122 õ õ õ
legal entity reorganization 123 õ õ
other 124 3,360,605 3,360,605
Equity amount decrease due to: 130 (428,372) (2,996,646) (3,425,018)
shares par value decrease 131 õ õ õ
shares number decrease 132 õ õ õ
legal entity reorganization 133 õ õ (2,996,646) (2,996,646)
other 134 (428,372) (428,372)
Balance at December 31 of the reporting year 140 1,019,286 40,468,968 152,893 10,118,260 51,759,407

II Reserves

Indicator Balance Inflow Outflow Balance
Name Code
Reserves formed in accordance with laws:
previous year data 150 134,604 18,289 152,893
reporting year data 151 152,893 152,893
Reserves formed in accordance with documents of incorporation:
previous year data 152
reporting year data 153
Assessed reserves:
reserve for doubtful debts
previous year data 160
reporting year data 161
reserve for devaluation of financial investments
previous year data 162
reporting year data 163
reserve for the liabilities arising as a result of recognition of an activity terminated
previous year data 164
reporting year data 165
reserve established due to the consequences of contingencies
previous year data 166
reporting year data 167
reserve for reduction of material values cost
previous year data 168
reporting year data 169
previous year data 170
reporting year data 171
Reserve for future expenses:
reserve for payment of remuneration based on the year performance
previous year data 180
reporting year data 181
reserve for payment of vacations (including allocations)
previous year data 182
reporting year data 183
reserve for payment of yearly remuneration for service record
previous year data 184
reporting year data 185
reserve for fixed assets repairs
previous year data 186
reporting year data 187
previous year data 188 33,416 (32,896) 520
reporting year data 189 520 37,189 (2,413) 35,296


Indicator Balance as at the year beginning Balance as at the year end
Name Code
1) Net assets 200 48,490,533 51,896,900

Out of budget Out of non-budget funds

For the reporting year For the preceding year For the reporting year For the preceding year
2) Received for expenditures on ordinary types of activity — total 210 2,253 2,110
Chernobyl cleaneup veterans payment 211
civil defense, emergency management and other target financing 212 2,253 2,110
capital investments into non-current assets 220

A.V. Sorochinsky,

G.V. Kuznetsova,
Chief Accountant

for 2010

Form No. 4 according to ARCMD (All-Russia Classifier of Management Documentation) 0710004
Date (year, month, day) 2010 12 31
Entity JSC “Lenenergo” According to RNNBO (Russian National Nomenclature of Businesses and Organizations) 94129941
Tax Payer Id. Number TPIN (Tax Payer Id. Number) 7728662669
Type of activity Industry - energy industryAccording to ARCTEA (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities) 74.15.2
Form of legal entity’s incorporation/ form of ownership According to ARCLSB (All-Russian Classifier of Legal Structures of Businesses)/ARKFO (All-Russia Classifier of Forms of Ownership) 47    43
Measurement units RUR, thousand According to ARCMU (All-Russia Classifier of Measurement Units) 384
Indicator For the reporting period For the similar period of the last year
Name Code
Cash assets balance at the beginning of the reporting year 010 2,481,982 1,849,730
Cash flow concerning the current activity 020 35,540,731 27,945,984
Cash received from buyers, customers
Inflow of the acquired foreign currency 030 1,114 769
Other income (receipts) 050 314,302 444,721
Cash assets assigned for:
payment for the acquired goods, works, services, raw materials and other current assets 150 (21,033,089) (15,500,573)
labor payment 160 (3,093,448) (2,742,044)
dividend, interest payment 170 (1,594,813) (1,146,534)
tax and tax levies settlement 180 (2,450,809) (927,221)
other expenditures (payments) 190 (1,714,173) (1,234,986)
Net cash from the current activity 200 5,969,815 6,840,116
Cash flow concerning the investment activity
Earnings from selling fixed asset objects and other no-current assets
210 1,583 2,525
Earnings form selling securities and other financial investments 220 657,084 228,000
Dividends received 230 25,399 14,625
Interest received 240 63,465 37,487
Inflows from the redemption of loans given to other organizations 250 18,016 — 
Other inflows 260 —  545
Subsidiary companies acquisition 280 —  — 
Acquisition of fixed asset objects, income-bearing investments and intangible assets 290 (7,520,414) (7,113,381)
Acquisition of securities and other financial investments 300 (42,063) (246,332)
Loans given to other organizations 310 —  (17,385)
Other expenditures 320 (70,023) (4,338)
Net cash from the investment activity 340 (6,866,953) (7,098,254)
Cash flow concerning the financial activity
Inflows form the issue of shares and other equity securities
350 —  — 
Inflows from loans and credits given by other organizations 360 10,889,600 4,413,053
Cash inflow under target financing 370 —  830
Other income 380 —  — 
Loans and credits redemption (without interest) 390 (10,294,005) (1,413,053)
Financial lease obligations redemption 400 (1,851,217) (2,106,949)
Other expenditures 405 (1,500) (3,491)
Net cash from the financial activity 410 (1,257,122) 890,390
Net increase (decrease) in the cash assets and their equivalents 420 (2,154,260) 632,252
Cash assets balance at the end of the reporting period 430 327,722 2,481,982
Amount of influence of foreign currency rate changes in relation to ruble 440 —  — 

A.V. Sorochinsky,

G.V. Kuznetsova,
Chief Accountant

for 2010

Form No. 5 according to ARCMD (All-Russia Classifier of Management Documentation) 0710005
Date (year, month, day) 2010 12 31
Entity JSC “Lenenergo” According to RNNBO (Russian National Nomenclature of Businesses and Organizations) 94129941
Tax Payer Id. Number TPIN (Tax Payer Id. Number) 7728662669
Type of activity Energy industry According to ARCTEA (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities) 74.15.2
Form of legal entity’s incorporation/ form of ownership According to ARCLSB (All-Russian Classifier of Legal Structures of Businesses)/ARKFO (All-Russia Classifier of Forms of Ownership) 47 43
Measurement units RUR, thousand According to ARCMU (All-Russia Classifier of Measurement Units) 384
Seat (address) 196247, Saint Petersburg, Constitution Square, 1
Intangible assets
Indicator Availability as at the reporting year beginning Inflow Out flow Availability as at the reporting period end
Name Code
Intellectual property (exclusive right to the intellectual property results) 010
including: of the patent holder to invention, production piece, useful model 011
of the right holder to IT programs, data bases 012
of the owner to the trade mark and service mark, name of the place of origin of goods 014
Goodwill 030
Other 040 125,425 77,944 (344) 203,025
Total 045 125,425 77,944 (344) 203,025
Indicator As at the reporting year beginning As at the reporting period end
Name Code

Depreciation of intangible assets — total

050 20,221 57,939

Fixed assets

Indicator Availability as at the reporting year beginning Inflow Outflow Availability as at the reporting period end
Name Code
Buildings 110 11,630,813 439,614 (107,591) 11,962,836
Structures and transmission facilities 111 78,913,945 5,894,632 (25,930) 84,782,647
Machinery and equipment 112 35,647,515 6,238,036 (80,200) 41,805,351
Vehicles 113 352,237 110,868 (19,572) 443,533
Industrial and household equipment 114 57,852 5,089 (503) 62,438
Draft cattle 115
Productive livestock 116
Perennial plantings 117
Other types of fixed assets 118 108,946 92,870 (57) 201,759
Land plots and land use facilities 119 58,869 58,869
Capital investments into the fundamental improvement of lands 120
Total 130 126,770,177 12,781,109 (233,853) 139,317,433
Indicator As at the reporting year beginning As at the reporting period end
Name Code
Depreciation of fixed assets — total 140 73,653,904 77,701,663
including: buildings and structures 141 53,625,786 55,886,105
machinery, equipment, vehicles 142 19,982,583 21,743,751
other 143 45,535 71,807
Leased out fixed asset objects — total 150 1,246,990 1,292,410
including: buildings 151 1,046,962 1,085,616
structures 156
machinery, equipment, vehicles 152 196,515 203,945
other 153 3,513 2,849
Laid up fixed asset objects 155 — 
Fixed assets received in lease — total 160 5,256,693 6,197,675
buildings and structures 161 131,337 430,119
machinery, equipment, vehicles 162 4,743,864 5,353,024
other 163 381,492 414,532
Immovable property items accepted for operation and being in the process of state registration 165 503,180 201,213

Code As at the reporting year beginning As at the preceding year beginning
For reference:
The result of fixed asset revaluation:
initial (replacement) value 171
depreciation 172

Code As at the reporting year beginning As at the reporting period end
Change of the fixed asset objects value as a result of the construction completion, further equipping, reconstruction and partial liquidation




Income-bearing investments in tangible assets

Indicator Availability as at the beginning of the reporting year Inflow Outflow Availability as at the end of the reporting period
Name Code
Property for leasing 210 — 
Property provided according to the hire agreement 220 — 
Other 230 — 
Total 240 — 

Code As at the beginning of the reporting year
As at the end of the reporting period
Depreciation of income-bearing investments in tangible assets 250 — 

Research-and-development, design-and-experimental and engineering expenditures

Works type Availability as at the beginning of the reporting year Inflow Outflow Availability as at the end of the reporting period
Name Code
Total 310

Code As at the beginning of the reporting year As at the end of the reporting year
For reference:
Amount of expenditures on non-completed research-and-development, design-and-experimental and engineering works

Code For the reporting year
For the similar period of the preceding year
Amount of expenditures on research-and-development, design-and-experimental and engineering works which did not give positive results and were included in other expenditures

Natural resource development expenditures

Indicator Amount for the reporting period beginning Inflow Out flow Amount for the reporting period end
Name Code
Natural resource development expenditures — total


—  —  —  — 
411 —  —  —  — 
412 —  —  —  — 
413 —  —  —  -

Code As at the beginning of the reporting year As at the end of the reporting period
For reference:
Amount of expenditure concerning surface resources sites, non-completed searches and deposit sites evaluation, prospecting and (or) hydraulic geological searches and other similar works

Amount of natural resource development expenditures referred in the reporting period to other expenditures as having no effect 430

Financial investments

Indicator Long term Short term
Name Code As at the reporting year beginning As at the reporting period end As at the reporting year beginning As at the reporting period end
Investments into authorized (share) capitals of other organizations — total 510 578,846 946,266 —  — 
Including those of subsidiary and dependent companies 511 7,342 896,794 —  — 
State and municipal securities 515 —  —  —  — 
Securities of other organizations — total 520 —  —  100,000 — 
including debt securities (bonds, bills of exchange) 521 —  —  100,000 — 
Granted loans 525 —  —  —  — 


530 —  —  —  — 
Other 535 —  —  — 
Total 540 578,846 946,266 100,000 — 
From the total amount of the financial investments — those possessing the current market value:
Investments into authorized (share) capitals of other organizations — total
550 522,033 —  — 
including those of subsidiary and dependent companies 551 —  —  —  — 
State and municipal securities 555 —  —  —  — 
Securities of other organizations — total 560 —  —  —  — 
including debt securities (bonds, bills of exchange) 561 —  —  —  — 
Other 565 —  —  —  — 
Total 570 522,033 —  —  — 
For reference.
Concerning the financial investments possessing the current market value — change of value as a result of the valuation adjustment
580 300,647 —  —  — 
Concerning the debt securities — difference between the initial and par values is referred to the financial result of the reporting period 590 —  —  —  — 

Debts receivable and accounts payable

Indicator Balance as at the reporting year beginning Balance as at the reporting year end
Name Code
Debts receivable
short term — total 610 10,793,558 8,512,038
including: settlements with buyers and customers 611 1,678,445 1,840,886
advances made 612 3,836,857 2,263,549
other 613 5,278,256 4,407,603
long term — total 620 1,269,506 1,097,584
including: settlements with buyers and customers 621 —  — 
advances made 622 1,189,891 1,018,130
other 623 79,615 79,454
Total 630 12,063,064 9,609,622
Accounts payable
short term — total 640 19,379,564 22,007,783
including: settlements with suppliers and contractors 641 2,910,500 3,225,841
advances received 642 15,332,461 17,115,410
settlements in respect of taxes and levies 643 673,177 121,324
credits 644 90,882 1,014,880
loans 645 155,548 156,910
other 646 216,996 373,418
long term — total 650 14,123,038 13,710,388
including settlements with suppliers and contractors 651 223,038 148,788
settlements in respect of taxes and levies 652 —  — 
credits 653 7,900,000 7561,600
loans 654 6,000,000 6,000,000
other 655 —  — 
Total 660 33,502,602 35,718,171

Expenditures on ordinary types of activities (by cost elements)

Indicator For the reporting year For the preceding year
Nname Code
Material costs 710 434,374 12,900,333
Labor payment costs 720 2,177,854 1,887,431
Allocations for social needs 730 464,957 388,073
Depreciation 740 4,134,703 3,318,080
Other expenditures 750 20,276,029 2,321,037
Total on expenditure elements
Balance change (increase [+], decrease [-]):

of production-in-process 765 —  — 
of deferred expenses 766 (335,270) 521,149
of reserves for future expenses 767 34,776 (32,896)


Indicator Balance as at the reporting year beginning Balance as at the reporting period end
Name Code
Received — total 810 7,064,278 6,340,463
including bills of exchange 811 —  — 
Property in pledge 820 —  — 
including fixed asset objects 821 —  — 
securities and other financial investments 822 —  — 
other 823 —  — 
Given out — total 830 494,307 165,348
including bills of exchange 831 132,005 66,000
Property transferred in pledge 840 —  — 
including fixed asset objects 841 —  — 
securities and other financial investments 842 —  — 
other 843 —  — 

Government assistance

Indicator Reporting period For the similar period of the previous year
Name Code
Budget funds received in the reporting year — total


2,253 2,110
including: Preparedness activity 911 850 830
Preventive actions — traumas 912 1,403 1,280

As at the beginning of the reporting year Received for the reporting period Returned for the reporting period As at the end of the reporting period
Budget credits — total 920 —  —  —  — 
including: 921 —  —  —  — 
922 —  —  —  — 

A.V. Sorochinsky,

G.V. Kuznetsova,
Chief Accountant
